The Church of Ireland in Kilrea – St Patricks – is sometimes referred to as Kilrea Parish Church. It is a beautiful church, with a fascinating history. It has historically been linked to the other two local Church of Ireland churches, Tamlaght O’Crilly Upper and Tamlaght O’Crilly Lower.
Kilrea Church of Ireland – St Patricks

Kilrea Parish Church
My grandfather, Thompson Mulholland, was confirmed (and received his first communion) at Kilrea Parish Church in May 1911. I was confirmed at the church in 1980. In very recent times, the three churches share a minister.
The graveyard has gravestones that go back some three hundred years. In all liklihood, there will be some older unmarked graves. If a family did not mark a grave, then over time, the plot of land appeared vacant. This was also true for old gravestones or markers that had worn away or fallen down. The earliest map of the graves in the churchyard was made in 1972.
As well as using my own photographs of the headstones to transcribe the words, when in difficulty or doubt, I was very grateful to be able to get some inspiration from previous transcriptions by Lavonne Bradfield, Pauline O’Keeffe, Helen Evans and Al Luce. In time, I hope to publish a few more pages on specific old headstones (with their images) from this wonderful old graveyard.
Kilrea Church Records
St Patricks – Deaths in the 1700s
1727 Thomas McCredy; 1749 Neal McRedy; 1758 Bryan Diamond; 1764 George Brown; 1770 James McAlary; 1773 John McLary; 1773 Andrew Diamond; 1779 Charles Brodin; 1780 Mary Campbell; 1783 Margaret Mayberry; 1784 Rachel Reid nee Boyd; 1787 William Hunter; 1787 Elizabeth Hunter; 1791 Elizabeth Gilmore; 1791 Mary Mooney; 1792 Adam Killpatrick; 1793 Dennis Trimbles; 1792 James McIlroy
These graves are unclear: 17?0 William Car; 17?? Daniel McAlary; and 1783 maybe? for Nancy Gordon.
Deaths in the 1800s
1803 John Atkinson; 1804 George Smirell; 1809 Margaret Brodly; 1813 Mary Henderson; 1813 Mary Graham; 1814 John Smirl; 1817 Samuel Graham; 1817 John Gray; 1817 James Lennox; 1819 James Taylor; 1822 Mary Sloan; 1823 John Lennox; 1824 John Mayberry; 1826 Elizabeth Campbell; 1829 Alex. Campbell; 1833 Bernard Spallin; 1836 Alexander Stewart; 1836 Jane Stewart; 1837 William Hunter; 1838 Jane Stewart; 1840 Mary Adams; 1840 Andrew Carmichael; 1840 John Woods; 1841 John Patton; 1841 John Henderson; 1842 George Brown; 1843 Elizabeth Hasty; 1845 John Stewart; 1847 Margaret Stewart; 1847 Abraham McNeill 1847?1848 James Hasty; 1849 Charles Ritchie; 1849 Henry Brown; 1850 William Henderson; 1851 William Smirl; 1851 Charles Stewart; 1851 Henrietta Brown; 1851 William Gray; 1852 James Shaw; 1853 Elizabeth Kirkwood; 1853 Mary Boyd nee Trimbles; 1853 Sarah Ann Marshall; 1854 Mary Armstrong McNeill; 1854 Mary Ritchie; 1856 Rachel Ann Young; 1856 James Michael; 1857 Alexander Adams; 1857 Kennedy MaCaw; 1859 John Woods; 1860 Annie Michaell; 1861 Joseph Boyd; 1861 Elizabeth Morley; 1862 W McNeil Young; 1862 Henrietta Toy; 1862 Miss Michael;
1863 George Toy; 1863 Charlotte McAllen; 1863 Daniel Walker; 1864 John Walker; 1865 Elizabeth Shaw; 1865 Mary Carmichael; 1866 Jane Stewart; 1866 Leslie Mitchell; 1867 Charlotte Adcock, 1867 Archibald Shaw; 1870 Alexander Stewart; 1871 Nancy McIlfatrick; 1872 Samuel MaCaw; 1872 John Campbell; 1873 Elizabeth Brown; 1874 Robert Woods; 1874 Creighton Hutchinson; 1876 John Wilson, Lislea; 1875 James McIntyre; 1877 Mary Woods; 1877 Jane Smirl; 1877 James Campbell; 1878 William Adcock; 1878 George Smirell; 1878 Ann Campbell; 1878 John Smiley; 1879 Margaret Campbell; 1879 James McKay; 1879 Mary Ann McNeill; 1879 Catherine Stewart; 1879 Robert Michael; 1881 Margaret Stewart; 1881 Sarah Henderson; 1881 Jacob Ross; 1882 Samuel McFadden; 1882 Mary Jane McCart nee McFadden; 1882 Elizabeth Wilson; 1882 Mr Michael; 1882 John Henderson; 1882 Mary Eliza Gardiner; 1883 Arah McAllen; 1883 Alexander Campbell; 1884 Margaret McIntyre; 1884 Charity McAllen; 1884 Daniel McAllen; 1884 Jane Mulholland; 1884 Thomas McKeown; 1884 James Caskey; 1885 Annie Louisa McKeown; 1886 Eliza Caskey; 1886 Augusta Wallace; 1886 Jane Wallace; 1887 James McFadden; 1887 Margaret McNeill; 1888 Mary McKeown; 1888 Mary Campbell; 1888 Mary Hunter; 1888 John Woods; 1888 Hugh Boyd; 1889 John McKay; 1889 Thoma Torrens; 1889 Thomas Hunter; 1889 Archibald Michael; 1890 Margaret Brown; 1890 John C Johnston; 1890 Ann Hunter Hutchinson; 1890 Jane Brown; 1892 Jane Gray; 1892 Mary Hunter; 1893 John Michael; 1893 Richard Henderson; 1894 John Henderson; 1894 Ann Brown; 1895 Jane McKay; 1895 John Gray; 1895 George Hunter; 1895 Elizabeth Boyd; 1895 Arthur Mulholland; 1896 George Hunter; 1896 John Stewart Hunter; 1896 William Burnside Moynock; 1896 Gardiner Marks; 1897 Annie Marks; 1897 Mary Woods; 1897 Robert Kirk; 1897 Joseph Hutchinson; 1897 Jane McFadden; 1897 Sarah Jane Ferrier; 1898 Jeannie McKeown; 1898 Robert Kirk; 1898 Mary Ann Johnston; 1899 Robert Bradley; 1899 Neil McKay; 1899 WM J McAllen;
Stewart O’Fee (died 1920) Stewart O’Fee was born in Kilrea on the 2nd May 1878, the eldest son of Stewart and Jane O’Fee. His father ran a small grocery shop in the village. During the first world war, O’Fee served as a Naval School Master in the Royal Navy. His ship, HMS Vivid, was docked at Devenport, when he died of illness on the 13th March 1920. He was 41 years old. His gravestone says that he was ‘A Man of Good Report’
Doctor James Lennox (1924) The death Dr. James Lennox, M.D., J.P., which occurred after an operation, in a Belfast nursing home on Wednesday morning, is sincerely regretted in the locality in which he practised, and amongst the medical profession in the North of Ireland generally. A native of the Kilrea district, the late Dr. Lennox was educated at Queen’s College, Belfast, qualifying in 1885. Be was attached to London Hospital for some time, subsequently returning to Kilrea, where he succeeded the late Dr. Clark as medical officer the Kilrea Dispensary District. In 1908, the Mercers’ Company sold their estate to the tenants, and Dr. Lennox purchased the Manor House, formerly the residence of the agents the company, and a very valuable and picturesque property. About two years later he got married to daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Madill, LL.D., Garvagh, and sincere sympathy is extended to his widow (Florence Lennox) and the four young children who survive him. Dr. Lennox was member the British and Irish Medical Associations, and was recognised as practitioner of more than average ability, whilst his urbanity of manner and the consideration which he displayed towards his patients won for him their regard and affection. He was for many years churchwarden of Kilrea Parish Church and he with his late father for many years were proprietors of a local foundry. Obituary, News letter, 25th January 1924.
Judge Richard McFadden (died 1931) Richard McFadden was a local justice of the peace. He was 73 years old, when he died on the 2nd March 1931 (his gravestone claims the 3rd), at his home, Lake View Cottage, Kilrea.
Albert Edward Sixsmith (1938) The Reverend Canon Albert Edward Sixsmith died on the 21st February 1938. He had been rector of Kilrea Parish for some 43 or maybe 44 years. Note – Obituaries in the newspapers say 43 years, whilst his gravestone claims 44 years. He died at the Rectory in Kilrea. Sixsmith was a graduate of Trinity College in Dublin. He was ordained in 1890, and later appointed curate in Desertmartin. In 1894 he was appointed curate in St Patrick’s in Kilrea. He was a Canon of St Columbs Cathedral. By all accounts he was much loved in the Kilrea parish. His gravestone refers to Revelations 21.
John Killough MBE (died 1939) Not long after the Northern Ireland government was established in the early 1920s, John Killough was transferred to the Ministry of Labour, and after a promotion, worked as Superintendent Officer in charge of the Pensions Branch for Northern Ireland. He had previously worked as an inspector at the National Health Insurance Scheme. He was awarded an MBE in 1930. Killough, a mason, was 57 years old when he passed away on the 28th August 1939, at the house of his brother-in-law William J. Neely, of Church Street in Kilrea. His parents were Robert and Ruth Killough.
Sergeant James Edward O’Fee (died 1944) Sergeant James Edward O’Fee was only 24 years old when he was killed in action over Italy on August 9th 1944. He was a member of the 18 Squadron of the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. His remains lay in Cesena War Cemetery in Forli, Italy. He was the son of James and Jenny O’Fee of Kilrea.
Doctor John Walker Tomb O.B.E. M.D. (died 1948) John Walker Tomb took MA and MD degrees and graduated in 1910 from Trinity College in Dublin. After some time as resident medical officer and surgeon at St Patrick Dun’s hospital on Grand Canal Street in Dublin. He subsequently secured an important job in India, and later went on to hold posts in Egypt, England, South Africa and Australia. He was an authority on tropical diseases, on which he wrote several learned works. Indeed his work in India on this topic was publically recognised. Medical and scientific journals published his work on bacteriology and the role played by mosquitoes as disease carriers. He also made contributions to literature, as well as Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, as well as other areas involving higher mathematics and general science. His wife, Mary Francis (Mina) Tomb (nee Healy) originally from Carrick-on-Suir in County Tipperary travelled wherever her husband went. She died a year before his death. Her husband maintained a keen interest in Irish affairs across his life. He was in his 65th year when he passed on 22nd February 1948, in Manley, Australia. He is interred there.
Doctor James Alexander Tomb MB, Ch.B. D.P.H. (died 1960) Originally from Kilrea, James Alexander made a career for himself in medicine. He died in Lancaster, in Lancashire, England, on 1st Aug 1960. His ashes are in England.
Gravestone Transcriptions
Alexander Adams, late of Drumgarner, who died 26 September 1857, aged 56 years
also his wife, Mary Adams, who died 21 February 1840, aged 67 years
And the above named JOHN JAMES died 4th January 1989 aged 60 years
Also his mother SADIE died 19th October 1929 aged 22 years interred in Desertmartin Parish Church
In loving memory of
Ella M. Adams, wife of Daniel H. Adams, died 26 May 1934
Jeanie Louise Adams, died 1 November 1965, daughter of John and Tillie Adams
also the above Samuel Henry Adams died 9 January 1976
also his daughter, Elizabeth Jane Rea, died 11 November 1986
John Adams, who died 3 March 1917
his wife, Tillie Smyth, died 6 May 1911
his daughter, Elizabth Smyth, who died 6 March 1912
In loving memory of CHARLOTTE wife of WILLIAM ADCOCK who died November 26th 1867 aged 67 years
Also her sister SARAH ANN MARSHALL who died September 10th 1853 aged 13 years
2nd headstone
Erected by WILLIAM ADCOCK to the memory of his niece SARAH ANN MARSHALL who died November 10th 1853 aged 9 years
Also ELIZth MORLEY his wife’s sister who died 27th May 1861 aged 25 years
Also his wife CHARLOTTE ADCOCK who died Nov 26th 1867 aged 66 years
JOSEPH ARMSTRONG Moyagney who died 17th December 1959
Also the above JOSEPH ARMSTRONG who died 31st August 1963
Here lieth the body of
John Archifon who departed this life 10 July 1803, aged 30 years
Possibly Atkinson. See stone below
John Atkinson died 19 November 1978
also his sister, Minnie, died 24 August 1956
Also his devoted wife and a dearly loved mother MARTHA died 6th February 1996 aged 84 years
Also her husband JOHN BLAIR who died 16th Dec 1904 aged 75 years
And their son WILLIAM who died 14th May 1906 aged 52 years
Also DANIEL BLAIR who died 17th Sept 1932 aged 68 years
Their son BERTIE died 23rd November 1937
Also his wife ELIZABETH who died 12th March 1922 age 79 years
And their daughter ANNIE MARGARET who died 7th March 1922 aged 47 years
And his son ROBERT B ROSS BRADLEY died 23rd July 1975 aged 50
Also his wife ISBELLA died 12th March 1987 aged 84
Margret Brodly, alias Spallon, who departed this life 1 November 1809, aged 62 years
Charles Brodin, who departed this life (?)8 May 17?9 (1779?), aged (deteriorated)
MARY BOYD wife of the above named died September 18th 1914 aged 84 years
MARY KING BOYD died March 21st 1917
Joseph Boyd, who departed this life 9 March 1861, aged 84 years
also two of his grandchildren, Joseph and Mary
also his son, Hugh, who died 15 October 1888, aged 73 years
also his daughter-in-law, Elizabeth, who died 19 July 1895, aged 69 years
Rachel Reid, who died 25 January 1784, aged 44 years
George Brown who departed this life 18 September 1764, 71 years of age
Sacred to the memory of
George Brown, who departed this life 12 August 1842, aged 42 years
also his son, Henry Brown, who departed this life 27 June 1849, aged 19 years
also Henrietta Brown, who departed this life 26 July 1851, aged 13 years
Erected by Mrs. Ann Brown to the memory of
her son, Spencer, who died 7 July 1861, aged 26 years
her daughter, Margaret, who died 9 June 1890, aged 61 years
her daughter, Jane, who died 26 August 1890, aged 42 years
the above named Ann Brown, who died 23 January 1894, aged 94 years
Erected by Mrs. Ann Brown, to the memory of
her granddaughter, Henrietta Toy, who died 3 July 1862, aged 6 years
her grandson, George Toy, who died 21 June 1863, aged 1 month
her granddaughter, Jane Wallace, who died 25 March 1886, aged 26 years
her great granddaughter, Augusta Wallace, who died 23 June 1886, 5 years and 8 months
Also their children MARY HENRIETTA, HENRY and JAMES SPENCER died in childhood
HARRIET JANE died 18th May 1956 ELSIE MAUD MARGARET died 19th February 1965
MATILDA ROWAN died 21st October 1970
HENRY ROWAN died 18th Dec 1890 aged 8 years his wife MARY ROWAN died 30th Oct 1879 aged 78 years
Also their two daughters MATILDA died 3rd Sept 1914 ELIZABETH died 6th Dec 1873
The Burnside Family, Mayknock
Also his wife MATILDA BURNSIDE who died 15th January 1920
Also his beloved wife MARY who departed this life 1st April 1888 aged 71 years
Also his son THOMAS CAMPBELL died 7th Aug 1929
And MATILDA wife of the above named THOMAS CAMPBELL died 26th Nov 1933
Also their sons ROBERT died 16th March 1908 ? died ? Oct 1909
? died 18 May 1912 ? daughter MARY ?
who departed this life 10 August 1826, aged 60 years
also Alex. Campbell, her husband,
departed this life 20 January 1829, aged 70 years
HENRY JOHN died 20th August 1978
ANNIE EVELYN died 30th June 1981
Mary Campbell, who departed this life 3 February 1780, aged 56 years
also Nancy McIlfatrick, who died 15 August 1871, aged 26 years
also Mary McIlfatrick, who died 5 March 1941
also Stewart McIlfatrick, died 19 October 1944
Also their son SAMUEL JAMES died 27th June 1927
GEORGE GORDON CAMPBELL died 24th January 1966
His wife JANE WOODBURN CAMPBELL died 21st June 1969
Also his wife ANN CAMPBELL who died 8th July 1878 aged 80 years
And their son JOHN CAMPBELL who died 16th September 1872 aged 28 years
Also his son ALEXANDER CAMPBELL who died 7th April 1903 aged 84 years
Also his wife ELIZABETH CAMPBELL who died 19th February 1904 age 80 years
And JANE CAMPBELL who died 9th January 1922 aged 89 years
And his dear wife LILY whom God called home 22nd April 2000 aged 73 years
Also her husband JAMES CAMPBELL died 9th July 1971
His granddaughter ANNIE ELIZABETH ANDERSON died 5th April 1948 aged 6 months
His granddaughter infant CAMPBELL died 22nd January 1957
His wife MARGARET died 4th October 1972 aged 85
His daughter MARGARET ELIZABETH died 13th March 2003 aged 92
William Car, who departed this life the 17 February 17?0, aged deteriorated
note – there is additional information on the opposite side of the gravestone, but it is very difficult to read
Andrew Carmichael, who departed this life 19 October 1840, aged 34 years
his wife, Mary, died 1865
and their son, John, died September 1903
his wife, Mary Ann, died 27 February 1918
their son, William, died 31 July 1917
their son, Thomas, died 26 February 1927
their daughter, Mary, died 30 June 1947
their daughter, Matilda Jane, 1 June 1956
Also her sister ELIZA who died 2nd April 1886 aged 61 years
War Grave
Their son ROBERT died 1981 all buried in this churchyard
Also their other sons RICHARDSON, WILLIAM AND GEORGE who rest elsewhere in England and Ireland
Placed here by Connie daughter Helen
Thomas ??Credy, who departed this life, 26 February 1727, (the remainder of the headstone is unreadable)
In memory of his son TORRANCE ALEXANDER died 15th September 1989 aged 29 years
Also the above named ROBERT BROWN died 5th Feby 1996 aged 79 years
Also his wife ANNE LYNN
Also their sons SAMUEL IVOR and NOEL HUNTER
Also JAMES loving husband and father died 14th January 1990 aged 85 years
Also his devoted wife MARGARET and our dear mother and grandmother died 27th Nov 1992 aged 84 years
Grandson of the above COLIN MONTGOMERY 28th March 1956-7th Sep 1991
Bryan Diamond, departed this life, February 1758, difficult to read
Andrew Diamond, who died 20 September 1773, aged 52 years
(?????) Diamond,who departed this life, remainder of the gravestone is impossible to read
Also his wife MARION MAUD passed away on 15th December 1966
And also their daughter MARION ELIZABETH died 18th May 1978
And JOHN ALFRED CAMPBELL of Tyanee died 5th April 1908 aged 2 years
And his wife VIOLET S died Christchurch New Zealand 23rd Aug 1989
Also her sister RACHAEL E DOUGHERTY died July 1946
Also his wife BONNIE died 21st January 1996
Also his three children who died in infancy.
Also his wife MARGARET died 13th Jan 1924 aged 69 years
Also his son WILLIAM GARDINER died 11th Dec 1934 aged 42 years
Also his son WILLIAM HENRY died 5th Feb 1902 also his son ROBERT GAGE died 3rd May 1902
Also his wife SARAH GARDINER died 28th January 1940 aged 96 years
Also his son THOMAS JAMES died 29th October 1944 aged 67 years
Died 10th October 1970 aged 54 years
Elizabeth Gilmore who departed this life 16 July 1791, aged 37 years
Here is also interred his son, Jonathan??
note – remainder is very difficult to read
Their daughter MARY 1918-1945 and their son WILLIAM JAMES 1912-2003
His wife NANCY ANN died 16th January 1951
And their son SAMUEL died 25th May 1964
Their son WILLIAM JAMES died 31st May 1995
Nancy Gordon, who died February ye 6th, 17(8?)3, 1783?, aged 20
Samuel Graham, who departed 09 May 1817, aged 38 years
Mary Graham, who departed this life 7 September 1813, aged 53 years
also John Gray, her husband, who departed this life 17 February 1817, aged 62 years
William Gray, Dullaghey, who died 18 July 1851, aged 65 years
also his beloved wife, Jane Gray, who departed this life 11 January 1892, aged 93 years
also their son, John Gray, died 17 February 1895, aged 74 years
And her husband THOMAS HASSON who departed this life 4th June 1966
Daughter MARGARET ISOBEL JACKSON died 13th January 2002 beloved wife of THOMAS JACKSON
Also her Husband James Hasty who departed this life 8th July 1848 Aged 48
years Also their Grandson James Hasty who died 14th May 1937
This stone is in the older, eastern section between the old church ruins and the 2 foot drop to the newer section. Perhaps it was among the stones on the upper level that Lavonne Bradfield had not had time to include in her earlier visit.
John Henderson, Kilrea, who departed this life 19 March 1841, aged 75 years
and Mary, his wife, died 6 September 1813, aged 39 years
also their grandson, William Henderson, who died 22 August 1850, aged 16 years
and their son, John Henderson, who departed this life 29 October 1882, aged 80 years
his wife, Sarah Henderson, who died 2 August 1881, aged 90 years
Richard Henderson, who died 10 June 1893
John Henderson, who died 12 January 1894
the above vault lays underneath a tree
Also his dearly loved wife ELLEN EVA died 7th November 1969
died as result of accident 16th January 1970 aged 7 years
‘Safe in the arms of Jesus’
Also our daughter LORNA WALLACE HUNTER died 19th January 1930
and HARRIETTA FLORENCE beloved wife of the above JAMES HUNTER died 23rd November 1973
Also their daughter DEHRA ROE HUNTER died 16th May 1998
Also his wife MARY HUNTER who died 20th January 1892 aged 86 years
And their son-in-law JOHN SMILEY late of Coleraine who died 11th December 1878 aged 53 years
Also their daughter MARGARET who died May 1918 aged 78 years
William Hunter, who departed this life 20 January 1787, aged 2 years and 7 months
Mary, beloved wife of George Hunter, who died 26 April 1888, aged 70 years
also above name George Hunter, who died 5 February 1896, aged 82 years
also his son, John Stewart Hunter, who died 7 July 1896, aged 49 years
also his son, George Hunter, who died 27 September 1895, aged 46 years
Our sisters RUTH died 14th Oct 1930 aged 14 days KATHLEEN R died 17th Dec 1939 aged 15 years
ANNA WILSON died 4th July 1992 aged 60 years
Also his wife JEANNIE REA died 28th November 1973
‘At Rest’
Ann Hunter, his wife, died 13 July 1890
Joseph, their first born who died 22 July 1897
and their daughter, Mary, who died 17 September 1922, aged 87 years
also their son, Thomas, who died 22 February 1932, aged 90 years
And his wife SARAH died 8th June 1996 aged 85
Also his wife MARY ANN who died 8th May 1898 aged 84 years
Also their son-in-law died 26th April 1900 aged 44 years
Also his wife LETITIA CHURCH HUNTER who died 30th April 1928 aged 73 years
His daughter NADINE M SCOTT died 11th April 2002
Her husband JACK died 8th October 1994
‘Forever in our thoughts’
MAGGIE GILMORE died 21st June 1896 JAMES died 26Nov 1900
THOMAS died 1st May 1904 ANNIE died 12th Sept 1905
And his wife MARY JANE died 23rd March 1958
And his son ROBERT JAMES died 16th Feb 1964
And our father WILLIAM died 12th May 1997 aged 91 years
Also ANNA a devoted wife and mother died 11th July 1999 aged 60 years
Also his wife MARGARET JANE who died 27th August 1952 aged 75 years
And their son-in-law WILLIAM JOHNSTON died 21st January 1977 aged 65 years
Also his wife MABEL ELIZABETH died 16th May 1993 aged 75 years
Also his father SAMUEL died 18th Aug 1982 aged 78 years
And his mother ELLEN died 8th April 2003 aged 93 years
Also their daughter ANNE REID died 11th October 1916 erected by their sons THOMAS and SAMUEL
And their son ALAN KIDD M.D. who died in Colombo 27th August 1922
Their daughter ANNE ELIZABETH who died 31st May 1971 their daughter ETHEL BEATRICE who died 13th July 1968
Ruth Graham Killough, who died 26 June 1928, aged 72 years
also her husband, Robert Stewart, who died 12 April1935, aged 76 years
and their son, John Hamilton Killough, B.A., A., M.B.E., who died 28 August 1939, aged 57 years
also their daughter, Martha S. Killough, died 3 June 1966, aged 70 years
also their daughter-in-law, Louise Adelaide, died 11 February 1968, aged 69 years
dear wife of William James K. Killough
also their son, the above named William James Killough, who died 4 January 1980, aged 88 years
Adam Killpatrick, who died 1 August 1792, aged 64 years
also his wife, Elizabeth, died 12 April 1787, aged 70 years
and his son, William, who died 10 February 1837, aged 78 years
SARAH died 1976
JOSEPH 1909 – 1980
VIOLET 1930 – 1984
Who died at the MCREERS Hotel 12th April 1897 aged 52 years
Also the above named ROBERT KIRK who died 30th March 1898 aged 48years BEST
In memory of ANNA MARIA BEST
Born 1834 – Died 1933
‘Until the day breaks’
his wife, Eizabeth Kirkwood, who dep this life 2 February 1853, aged 35 years
no words on gravestone
And her husband HARRY born 11th January 1916 died 4th November 1995
Also their son IVOR born 4th November 1939 died 7th February 2000
And his wife JANE born 1st September 1889 died 9th January 1972
Their daughter JANE McDONALD died 12th November 1995 aged 89 years
Their son RICHARD born 21st September 1908 died 24th January 1999
Brother of JANE LENNOX, DAVID McCARROLL born December 1883 died 13th June 1963
Of the Manor House Kilrea who died 23rd January 1924
Also his mother MARIA ANN THOMSON who died 5th February 1917
Also his wife FLORENCE JANE LENNOX who died 27th June 1942
Also his younger son DR THOMAS MADILL LENNOX died 5th November 1986 aged 72 years
�Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away� Far left of Moneygran Road entry gate.
Joseph Lennox, called home 16 May 1928
his wife, Isabella, called home 26 April 1976
John Lennox, who departed this life 8 June 1823, aged 66 years
also his daughter, Margaret, aged 20 years
(???mes) (James?) Lennox who departed this life 8 (September?) 1817, aged 28 years
also Henry Lennox who departed this life, 5 August 185(9?) (1859?), aged 6(6?) (66?) years
also, Jane, his wife, who departed this life 30 September 187(4?) (1874?), aged 74 years
Who died 20th July 1947
And his wife ANN JANE died 17th June 1953 aged 85 years
His brother HUGH died 13th March 1959 aged 85 years
Also their son JAMES died 22nd May 1973 aged 57 years
STEWART MILLAR only son of ROBERT and MILLIE LYLE Muckamore died 10th December 1982
Also his nephew SAMUEL MACAW who departed this life July 2nd 1872 aged 24 years
Also his wife MARGARET JANE who died 16th Aug 1904 aged 72 years
And their children ANNIE died 14th July 1897 THOMAS died 21st Oct 1900
OLPHERT died 18th Jan 1905 ELIZABETH died 17th Jan 1927
Impossible to make out the words
Margaret Mayberry who departed August ye 6, 1783, aged 49 years
and three children. No children listed
our dear father and mother
Thomas Mayberry, who died 20 April 1916
Mary Ann Mayberry, who died 13 February 1922
also their children
John Mayberry, who departed this life 18 August 1824, aged 90 years
William James Mayberry, died 9 January 1959
also his wife, Jane, died 6 April 1982
JOHNSTON died 14th August 1931
MARY died 1st November 1968
Also their son-in-law ALEXANDER SCOTT died 7th November 1977
Also his wife ELIZABETH called home 27th October 1999 aged 86 years
Her mother SARAH JANE HOLDEN died 8th October 1935
JANE McFADDEN his wife died 7th August 1897 aged 80 years
And their son SAMUEL McFADDEN died 6th July 1882 aged 21 years
SAMUEL McFADDEN who died 4th July 1908 aged 21 years
Also their mother MARGARET JANE died 21st Aug 1921
Also their father RICHARD McFADDEN I.S.M. J.P. died 3rd March 1931 aged 73 years
Also their sister MARY B McFADDEN died 4th Jan 1929
ISABELLA McFADDEN who died 27th April 1969
JANE wife of JOHN McCART who died 3rd Nov 1882 aged 23 years
His wife MARGARET died 8th April 1919 aged 26 years also RANDALL died 18th June 1925 aged 45 years
JANE died 25th Feb 1951 aged 84 years Erected by his son
James McI?roy (illegible – best guess is McIlroy) who departed this life 2? March 179(2?), aged 12 years
Claragh died 16th Feb 1875
His wife MARGARET died in 1884
Their daughter ANNIE died 17th May 1909 their sons STEWART died 28th Feb 1919
CHARLES died ? Mar 1918
JAMES died ? 1918
This monument erected by the executors of the last named JAMES McINTYRE
Also their family WILLIAM died 6th Feby 1893 MARY E died 25th May 1893
ROBERT G died 30th April 1894 CHARLOTTE died 19th Feby 1907 SAMUEL R died 8th Feby 1958
MIRIAM died 21st Sept 1978 wife of SAMUEL R
And his wife ELIZABETH died 14th October 1991
And of his wife ELIZABETH McKAY who died 21st August 1905
And their son JOHN McKAY who died 13th June 1942 aged 72 years
Also his wife JANE McKAY died 17th Sep 1895 aged 72 years
And their son ROBERT McKAY died 4th June 1913 aged 52 years
Also their daughter ELIZABETH McKAY died 4th Aug 1944 aged 82 years
And their son WILLIAM McKAY died 20th Dec 1947 aged 82 years
Also his daughter MARTHA REBECCA loved wife of JOHN BOYCE who died 2nd April 1949
Also MARY ELIZABETH wife of THOMAS J McKAY who died 15th March 1953
Also their son WILLIAM J McKAY who died 22nd August 1982 aged 78 years
Also ELIZABETH CATHERWOOD McKAY wife of WILLIAM J McKAY who died 20th August 1994 aged 87 years
Also his wife NANCY JANE died 6th Oct 1988
And his wife MARY who died 8th April 1920 aged 85 years
And his son JAMES MCKAY who died 1879 aged 2 years
Also his father and mother WILLIAM and MARY ANN MCKAY
And THOMAS B MCKAY who died 26th March 1948.
Also their son WILLIAM JOHN McKAY died 17th July 1992
ROBERT JAMES died 3rd March 1990
Also her sister DENISE MARGARET died 25th August 1994
ANNIE LOUISA died 31st May 1885 MARY died 25th July 1888
JEANNIE died 8th Feby 1898 ISABELLA & EMILY died in infancy
Also his beloved wife ELIZABETH died 6th March 1912 also the above named THOMAS McKEOWN died 21st Dec 1919
Also his son ROBERT T McKEOWN died 29th March 1946 and his wife ELIZABETH died 26th August 1949
John McLary, who died 14 July 1773, aged 59 years
Also our loving mother MARTHA who died 16th June 1973
Also their son JOHN who died 8th November 1988
AGNES beloved wife of SYDNEY 3-10-1926 – 27-11-2001
In loving memory of ROBERT died 7th June 1971
MARY BELLA died 13th April 1948 and their family
WILLIAM JOHN died 14th June 1954
GORDON died 30th May 1997
Thomas McNeill, Mayknock, in memory of
his beloved wife, Margaret, died 30 January 1887, aged 62 years
and their daughter, Mary Ann, who died 8 July 1879, aged 28 years
the above Thomas McNeill, who died 19 February 1915
their father, Abraham McNeill, who departed this life 12 November 1842/1847?
also his wife, Mary Armstrong, who was layed to rest 19 March 1854
Neal McRedy who departed this life 29 February 1749, A.D.C., aged (7?)2 (72?) years
James McAlary, who died 7 July 1770, aged 50? or is it 59?
Danl (presumably Daniel) McAlary, who departed this life 20 May 17??
His wife CHARITY McALLEN died May 10th 1884 aged 35 years
His father DANIEL McALLEN died July 1st 1884 aged 74 years
His sister SARAH McALLEN died Feb 23rd 1883 aged 26 years
His son WM J McALLEN died Oct 15th 1899 aged 22 years
His wife MARY McALLEN died Oct 24th 1921 aged 85 years
Also the above named JOHN McALLEN died 30th Jan 1923 aged 71 years
Also his son THOMAS died 30th June 1924 aged 43 years
ROBERT who departed this life June 7 ? 1879 aged 79 years
Also his granddaughter who died 14th Oct 1862 aged 14 years
And his grandson who died 28th Oct 1882 aged 16 years
And also ARCHIBALD MICHAEL who died 3rd Oct 1889 aged 71 years
Also the above named JAMES MICHAEL died 12th Feb 1906 aged 43 years
Also her mother MATILDA MICHAEL who died 24th April 1909 aged 69 years
Also her brother JOHN MICHAEL who died 22nd Feb 1893 aged 27 years also CATHERINE her sister who died in infancy
Also the above named MARY MICHAEL who died 27th July 1935 aged 73 years
James Michael, Bovedy, who died 19 November 1856, aged 72 years
also his daughter, Annie Michaell, who died 9? November 1860, aged 41 years
And his wife MAMIE died 26th May 1990
Also his wife ELIZABETH who died 23rd February 1915
Leslie Mitchell, who departed this life 31 December 1866, aged 18 years
Also SAM a devoted husband and father died 25th Oct 1992 aged 91 years
Mary Mooney, who departed this life 28 August 1791, aged 3 years
Also the above named ARTHUR MULHOLLAND who departed this life 14th June 1895 aged 86 years
Also his father WILLIAM JAMES died 7TH Dec 1953
And his mother MARGARET GRAHAM died 17th November 1966
Also his wife ELIZABETH who died 24th September 1966
Daughter CHARLOTTE of Lislea died 22nd May 1992 aged 98 years
LIZZIE died 1st April 1971
THOMAS died 10th December 1915
SARA died 13th January 1917
JOHN died 4th January 1921
Also his beloved wife JANE died 20th June 1909 aged 61 years and their children
STEWART died 13th March 1920 aged 41 years
KATHLEEN died 19th Oct 1925 aged 37 years
JAMES died 13th May 1938 aged 55 years
MARGARET MARIA O’FEE born 5th August 1880 died 16th February 1945
JANET wife of JAMES died 17th December 1958 aged 78 years
On the left edge of the main headstone above, written on the frame of the grave, is:
Sgt J E O’FEE R.A.F. Killed in action over Italy August 9th 1944
Attached at the bottom bottom of the main headstone is a smaller gravestone which says:
Naval School Master.
STEWART O’FEE R.N. H.M.S. Vivid 13th March 1920 aged 41
‘A man of Good Report’
JOHN PATTON 21st January 1841 aged 78 years
ANN ?? April
P????? died ???? London
only names readable at the bottom
Also his beloved wife MATILDA died 6th Jany 2000
And their daughter SUSAN died 23rd March 2001
And the above JOHN THOMAS PROCTOR died 31st May 1966
Also MARGARET KATHLEEN died 6th Dec 1976 beloved wife of KAYE DON PROCTOR
Also KAYE DON PROCTOR died 13th Nov 1988
In memory of her mother NANCY PURCELL who died 14th Aug 1905
Also the above JANE PURCELL who died 29th June 1949
Also MARY his wife who died 6th April 1854 aged 73 years
William Scott who departed this life 8 May 1807, aged 66 years
And his wife RACHEL born 13th Aug 1910 died 12th Aug 1994
And to the memory of his mother ELIZABETH SHAW who died 25th Jan 1865 aged 66years
Also to the memory of his father ARCHD SHAW who died 31st May 1867 aged 53 years
Canon of St Columbs Cathedral, Derry Rector of this Parish for 44 years
OBIT 21st February 1938 AEIAT 77 REV XXI
Mary Sloan, who departed this life 2 October 1822, aged 58 years
Also his wife MARGARET SLOAN died 13th Dec 1935
Their daughter ELIZABETH McGILLIGAN died 27th Jan 1940
Their son ROBERT Wm SLOAN died 25th Oct 1959
And his wife ANNIE M. SLOAN died 23rd July 1948
Thomas James Sloan, died 4 February 1938, aged 71 years
also his wife, Annie, died 25 September 1953, aged 70 years
and their son, Joseph, died 22 October 1957, aged 46 years
also their son, Thomas James, died 23 October 1978, aged 54 years
also their son, Bertie, died 4 February 1981, aged 62 years
and Isobella, wife of their son Thomas James, died 29 July 1996, aged 80 years
George Smirell, of Culmore, who departed this life 28 February 1878, aged 72 years
George Smirell, who departed this life 8 May 1804, aged 11 years
William Smirl, Finvoy, who departed this life 6 November 1851, aged 67 years
and his son, John, who died in the year 1814? aged 14 years
also in memory of
his beloved wife, Jane Smirl, who departed this life 21 August 1877, aged 82 years
Bernard Spallin, of Drumeandrn?, who departed this life 18 November 1833, aged 84 years
Also her husband JAMES died 8th January 1988
Also their son NORMAN died 23rd December 1996
Also his dear wife and a dearly loved mother ELLEN died 6th September 2001
Erected to the memory of
Alexander Stewart, who departed this life 28 December 1836, aged 83 years
Jane, his wife, who departed this life, 9 March 1836, aged 80 years
also their granddaughter, Jane Stewart, who departed this life 7 October 1838, aged 25 years
also Margaret, wife of Charles Stewart who died 7 January 1847, aged 77 years
and the above named, Charles Stewart, who departed this life 10 June 1851, aged 72 years
Elizabeth Stewart, (rest of stone below ground level)
JOHN STEWART of Kilrea who departed this life 3rd April 1845 aged 69 years
JANE STEWART his mother departed this life 28th March 1866
ALEXANDER their son on 18th March 1870 aged 65 years
Also their daughter CATHERINE who died 19th April 1879 aged 48 years
And their daughter MARGARET who died 1st Feb 1881 aged 81 years
Also the above named RACHEL STINSON who departed this life 4th Jan 1928 aged 70 years
Also her sister ELIZABETH J BENNETT who departed this life 18th January 1941
Also his wife MARY died 19th December 1974
Their son ANDREW RICHARD died 27th November 1985
HUGH died 12th May 1986 aged 67 years
‘Till we met again’
Also our dear father GEORGE died 27th Aug 1977 aged 67
James Taylor, who departed this life 11 November 1819, aged 30/50 years
WILLIAM died 6th Febr 1968 aged 71 years
Also his wife MARGARET died 14th June 1999 aged 89 years
�Remembered always�
And her husband HUGH ERNEST died 8th April 1994
Who died 14th Oct 1906 aged 89 years
Also three of his children
And of his sons JOHN HAMILTON died at New York 25th December 1928
Also DAVID last surviving child born 7th Sept 1882 died 15th November 1954
Who died at Coleraine, 20th December 1922 aged 82 years
Also his daughter MARY ISABELLA who died 14th November 1924
Also his dearly beloved wife MARY JANE who died 21st June 1936 aged 83 years
And ANNIE TOMB who died 11th December 1947
MARGARET TOMB who died 24th December 1950
Both interred in Coleraine Cemetery
JOHN WALKER TOMB O.B.E. M.D. who died 22nd Feb 1948 interred at Manley NSW
JAMES ALEXANDER TOMB MB, Ch.B. D.P.H. Lancaster Lancs who died there 1st Aug 1960. Cremated.
Also his wife CATHERINE died 1st March 1907 aged 90 years
Also his son HUGH died 28th October 1940
Dennis Trimbles, who departed this life 6 October 1793, aged 58 years
also his daughter, Mary Boyd, who died 5 May 1853, aged 70 years
And his wife ADELINE MARGARET died 9th November 1991 also baby TURNER died 28th March 1973
of his two sons
Daniel, departed this life 13 November 1863, aged 3 years
John, departed this life 3 May 1864, aged 17 years and 4 months
The beloved wife of DAVID WALLACE Retired Sergeant 84th Regiment.
Forever with the Lord Amen
Also the above named DAVID WALLACE who died 1st May 1907 aged 80 years.
the rest of the headstone was undecipherable
John Wilson, Lislea, who died 14 April 1876, aged 71 years
also his wife, Elizabth, who died 20 August 1882, aged 64 years
and their grandson, John,who died 18 May 1888, aged 22 years
John Woods, of Drumane, died 6 January 1840, aged 70 years
also his son, John, who died 2 November 1859, aged 32 years
also his son, Robert, who died 29 April 1874, aged 55 years
and also his wife, Mary, who died 29 April 1877, aged 84 years
also his daughter, Mary, who died 9 February 1897, aged 64 years
also his son, Thomas, who died 29 October 1903, aged 82 years
In memory of W McNEIL YOUNG
Who died 16 March 1862 aged 82 years
His daughter RACHEL ANN YOUNG died 26 Jan 1856 aged 7 years
His father GEORGE YOUNG died 5 Sept 18?? aged 83 years
This is a very old grave and the words are difficult to make out
DISCLAIMER – undoubtedly there will be the occasional gravestone transcription mistake or error…..or omission. Use at your own risk.
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