Request – Ahoghill Old Church Yard

I had a lovely message, a few months back, from a reader of this website, regarding her ongoing search for the surname Mark in the Old Graveyard at Ahoghill.

The Marks, across the generations, often had careers as surgeons. 

I still do not have my transcriptions completed for that graveyard (it has a LOT of graves, a fascinating place).  So I wondered if anyone could offer any help.

Gwyneth says:

What a fabulous website. I am trying to find records of my past family some of whom were buried in the old churchyard at Ahoghill. There were many surgeons among them and I am wondering if there are some parish records or information somewhere where I may find more.

Ahoghill Old Graveyard cemetery
Ahoghill Old Church Yard
My family are referenced on the headstone as follows:

Erected in memory of DAVID MARK, surgeon, late of Culleybackey who depd this life 23rd March 1828, aged 28years Also his nephew Samuel son of William Fee, surgeon, bmena who died in infancy. Likewise Samuel son of the said William Fee who died 4th Nov 1837 in the third year of his age. And here also lies the above-named William Fee who depd this life 4th March 1847 aged 37 years.

William Fee was also a surgeon. Dr. David Mark is my 4th Great Grandfather. I am trying to find the name of his wife. He had a daughter named Margaret (my 3rd great grandmother) born 1826 who married Robert Craig 17 Dec 1844 Presbyterian Church, Ballylinny parish. She died 3 Feb 1871 and her remains were buried in the Balmoral cemetary.

I would be most grateful if anyone could give me any information regarding these families.

There is also a William Mark, buried in the Ahoghill old Church yard, whom I suspect may be David’s Grandfather – other names on that gravestone are Margaret Fee, Robert Simpson surgeon, Elizabeth daughter of Margaret, William Simpson surgeon, Elizabeth McMeekin (formerly Simpson).

Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.


"I have spread my dreams beneath your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."

5 thoughts on “Request – Ahoghill Old Church Yard

  1. Hi, I found your wonderful website via a google search for ‘Ahoghill Old Churchyard’.. I believe my 4 x great grandmother is buried in this churchyard – Jane SMYTH (nee Colville) and the headstone reads….’ERECTED BY Nathaniel Smyth of Tyshan IN MEMORY OF JANE his beloved wife who departed this life 6th October 1852 aged 64 years.’

    Wondering if you would be able to confirm this from your records?

    Anyway hello and best wishes from Australia. Hope to get to beautiful northern island again when this pandemic shall allow. 😉

    1. Hi Karyn, I took two hours last night and went through the 600 plus photos that I have for the old graveyard in Ahoghill.

      Unfortunately I did not see the Smyth headstone that you refer to.

      I will do a second lookover this weekend. But if you hear nothing more, you can assume it wasn’t among my photos in the second look through.


  2. Karyn, thanks for the lovely message. I am delighted to hear that you are enjoying reading the website.

    Regarding Ahoghill Old Graveyard, it is a long work in progress. I started it ages ago (last year), but despite working on it a little piece at a time, it is still unfinished. There is a fair bit yet to do, including the overall analysis (oldest in graveyard, earliest grave, as well as the photoshop work, etc).

    I have all my photos on a drive here (and backed up on a couple of others). I will take a look next week, and see if I can locate the Smyth grave that you refer to. If I can spot the grave photo, I will send you a copy.

    I hope you are doing well in Australia, in these very trying times. All my best regards.

  3. Hi, thank you so much Trudger! I never expected you to put so much time and effort into searching your records/photos for me. Love you page and I I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Do you take donations for your project?

  4. Karyn, you are so kind. Maybe in the future, I will offer some type of donation link for folks. I would love to put all my headstone photos online, on this site. But that would mean a more expensive website hosting plan. So maybe if I ever do that, I will ask for headstone interested folk to contribute a little. I also took many 360 degree panoramic photos of the graveyards. I think that would be really useful for many people, to help them get a better understanding of where their forefathers are buried.

    But do not worry, I am happy to help. In this case, I was unable to come up with anything. I have yet to do a second look through, hopefully will check again later on Sunday. But I am pretty sure there is no Jane Smyth among my photos.

    You are so kind. I get a real buzz (and increased motivation to write more), when I see people enjoying the website.

    All my best wishes.

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