Cullybackey Old Methodist Gravestones

A Brief History of Cullybackey Methodist Church

Cullybackey Old Methodist Church has a complex history. The church initially, way back in 1839, started out as a Presbyterian church. It was built by the United Free Church of Scotland and opened in September 1839.

On the 22d instant (i.e. Sunday 22nd September 1839), the new Presbyterian Meeting House of Cullybackey was opened.

– Vindicator, Wednesday 2nd October 1839

Cullybackey Old Methodist Church
Cullybackey Old Methodist Church, graveyard and River Maine

However the discord within Presbyterianism resulted in the Cullybackey church seceding.

Way back then, the River Maine which runs alongside the church, was crossable by a ford. The church was level with the road at the bottom of a “beautifully wooded slope.”  It is worth remembering that the name Cullybackey (or Cullybacky) comes from the Irish term “Coill na Baice” which means ‘wood of the river bend’. In the subsequent years, a bridge over the Maine was erected. But the new road cut along the face of the slope, which sadly spoiled the delightful site of the chureh.

Over the years, the church building was improved during several alterations.

To Builders – Tenders are required for ALTERING and IMPROVING the United Presbyterian Church, Cullybackey.

Plans and Specifications may be seen with the REVEREND H. M. FLEMING, Cullybackey, and our OFFICES on and after the 15th inst.

Sealed Tenders will be received by the Rev. H. M. Fleming, Cullybackey, up to the 24th April. The Committee do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender.

YOUNG & MACKENZIE, Clarence Place, Belfast. 15th April, 1876.

Northern Whig, Monday 17th April 1876

With a growing congregration in the late 1800s, a gallery was added in 1895.


MR. PATRICK HAIRE AND THE COMMITTEE OF ABOVE CHURCH will attend at the above GRAVEYARD, on MONDAY, 2nd March, 1914, at TEN o’clock to Re-Register the Graves.

All who have a Claim must attend and prove same. There will a Registration Fee of Sixpence for each Grave.

Anyone who does not appear will forfeit their Claim.


Ballymena Weekly Telegraph – 14th February 1914

Cullybackey plaque
Cullybackey Old Methodist Church plaque

Up until 1922 the preachers of the United Free Church came from Scotland. The Reverend Jonathan Townsley was the last of the United Free ministers.

It was during 1922 that the leadership of the church in Scotland decided to take a new direction and started to encourage their handful of Ireland based churches to make local arrangements for the future. I can’t see any explicit reasons given when looking through the old literature, but presumably the change of direction emanating from Edinburgh at the time, was linked to the ongoing political strife and division of Ireland.

In 1923, the Cullybackey congregation (which consisted of some 140 families by this point) asked the Methodist Church to take the church, as well as the manse into their care, and provide future ministers. The Reverend Henry Frackleton and the Reverend Henry Ranson were the Cullybackey church’s first Methodist ministers. A church organ was installed during the subsequent ministry of the Reverend J. J. Harrison.

During the renovations of 1950, all of the church’s interior walls were stripped and replastered, and then finished in ivory colorcrete. The exterior walls were freshly painted. The interior furnishings were varnished and other woodwork brush-grained to tone. The vestibule was relaid with a beautiful tiles and the back porch was done to match. A new modern heater was installed in the Session room, and an electric boiler was installed in a modernised pantry. The church’s lighting system was also brought up to modern standards. A circular stained-glass window, beside the pulpit area, was installed in late 1950. The dedication service took place in November 1950. The window was a memorial to those in the church who had fought in the two world wars.

During the 1950 renovations, the congregration was very grateful to the nearby Cuningham Memorial Presbyterian Church, and it’s pastor the Reverend Samuel McIlveen, for allowing the methodists to use their lecture hall.

After almost 130 years to the day, this historic church building finally closed it’s doors in 1969.

Cullybackey Old Methodist Church
Cullybackey Old Methodist Church building closed in 1969

Cullybackey Old Methodist Graveyard, Headstone Surnames

Among the 121 gravestones discovered, I saw the following surnames:

Alexander; Anderson; Baird; Baker; Blair; Bovill; Buick; Burnside; Caldwell; Campbell; Carson; Coleman; Connaughty; Craig; Cubbit; Currie; Curry; Davison; Douglas; Dunlop; Ewart; Ferris; Fleming; Given; Glass; Gordon; Gourley; Grant; Gray; Greenwood; Harbison; Harkness; Hillis; Holmes; Houston; Johnston; Kennedy; Laverty; Leckey; Livingston; Logan; Maxwell; McClenaghan; McCloy; McConaghie; McCrory; McDowell; McIlroy; McKeown; McKillen; McKillop; McRory; McWilliams; Millar; Montgomery; Moore; Murdock; Murray; Neely; Neiley; O’Raw; Orr; Peters; Rainey; Rainey; Richmond; Rock; Russell; Sands; Simpson; Smith; Speers; Steele; Stevenson; Stewart; Stirling; Thompson; Turtle; Watt; Wilkinson; Wiseman

Headstones, Most Frequently Occurring Family Surnames

The most common surnames at the top of a headstone in this graveyard were: Orr (which was on 6 headstones);  Stewart (4); Smith (4); Dunlop (4);  Anderson (4);  Holmes (3);  Ewart (3);  Harbison (3); Logan (3) and Stevenson (3).

Not So Common Surnames

Some of the rarer names in the graveyard include: Neiley, Ferris, Bovill, Connaughty, Cubbit, Gourley, Hillis, Leckey, O’Raw, Peters, Richmond and Turtle.

And given the common occurrence of the surname Buick in the area, it was a surprise to see only one gravestone here bearing that name.

Earliest Deaths

The earliest death I could find in the graveyard was that of Jessie Fleming, who was only three years old when she died on the 13th September 1828. She was the daughter of the Reverend James Fleming, the first settled pastor of the church.

It was an awful time for the preacher and his family, because they lost a second young child a little over three weeks later. James Fleming died on the 6th October 1828 (born 11th December 1823). The preacher’s son was two months short of his fifth birthday.

A report in the Edinburgh Evening News from Thursday 22nd October 1874 referenced the double tragedy, saying: “Last evening the United Presbytarian Presbytery of Edinburgh met in the Canongate Church. It was agreed to give a call to tbe Reverend Robert Gray of Cullybackey in Ireland.”

  • Maggie Buick’s mother Margaret Coleman died 4th November 1830
  • Betty Peters was 40 when she died on the 15th February 1844.
  • John Holmes, of Ballyconley, was 76 years old when he died on the 6th May 1845.
  • Elizabeth Smith of Upperlands was only 14 years old when she died on the 27th December 1846.
  • Patrick O’Raw, from Fenagh, was 55 years old when he died on the 9th April 1848.
  • Robert Johnston, of Killyless, was 38 years old, when he died on the 15th June 1848.
  • Elspy Stewart died on the 21st October 1849.

The Gravestones

Alexander nee Laverty in loving memory of a dear wife and devoted mother Pearly, died 22nd July 1978. ever remembered by her loving husband Billy, and her daughters Pat, Pam and Carole and son Stephen.
Anderson Kilrea Rd ever remembered in loving memory of father & mother
Asleep in Jesus erected by Elizabeth Anderson, Harperstown, in loving memory of her dear husband James Anderson, who died 2nd Oct, 1930, The above Elizabeth Anderson died 24th Feb. 1957.
In loving memory of James died 15th March 1941. Also his wife Christina died 28th May 1935.
Erected in loving memory of my dear wife Mary, died 6th March 1966. Also my dear parents Abraham, died 9th July 1934. Elizabeth, died 22nd June 1911. Also Thomas S. Anderson, beloved husband of above Mary, died 31st December 1980.
Erected in memory of Thomas Baird Craigs died 25th March 1914 aged 68 years Also his wife Agnes died 23rd July 1912 aged 67 years.
In memory of Elizabeth Baker native of Waterford who died 27th June 1881, aged 63 years.
Erected in memory of Samuel Blair Drumrankin died 12th March 1918, aged 68 years. Also his wife Annie died 7th March 1923 aged 71 years. And his daughter Sarah Jane died 8th May 1897 aged 13 years. Also his son Rev. S. H. Blair B.A. died May 7th 1941.

The sudden death took place, on Wednesday 14th May 1941, at the Manse in Templepatrick, of the Reverend Samuel Henry Blair, B.A.. He had, for the past 22 years, been minister of Templepatrick Presbyterian Church, which is one of the oldest in Ireland.

Blair was a native of Cullybackey. He was educated at Queen’s College, Belfast, and Assembly’s College, and graduated from Queen’s University in 1913. Prior to his ordination he served for two years as assistant to the Reverend Dr. Megaw, College Square, Belfast. After this he acted for 18 months for the Reverend John Mcllrath in Templepatrick.

When the Reverend Mr. Mcllrath retired, i.e. deceased, the Reverend Blair received a unanimous call to become his successor. He was ordained in Templepatrick in 1919, and during his long and useful ministry endeared himself to the people of the district by his ready sympathy and devotion to duty. He is survived by his wife, who a daughter of the late Mr. J. S. McKibbin, Belfast, and one daughter.

Erected by James Bovill of Dunnygarron, in memory of his beloved wife Elizabeth Bovill, who departed this life 15th June 1883, aged 72 years. Also James Bovill, husband of the above who died 23rd March 1902, aged 85 years. Also Lizzie Burnside, granddaughter of the above who died 16th Ocotber 1902, aged 31 years. Also his daughter Jane Burnside, died 22nd July 1925 aged 85 years.
Erected by Alexander Buick, Dunnygarron in loving memory of his wife Mary Buick, died 4th Feb. 1968. Also his sister Ellen Buick, died in infancy 9th March 1902. His father Samuel Buick, died 1st July 1902. And his mother Mary Buick, died 29th Sept. 1913. His grandfather Robert Buick, died 16th Jan. 1886 And grandmother Jane Buick, died 18th Dec 1893. His great grandson Wm. Gary Wilson, died in infancy 6th Oct. 1970. Also the above named Alexander Buick, died 11th July 1980. Gone but not forgotten

Erected by his family in loving memory of our dear father Alexander Burnside, Cullybackey who died 3rd March 1934 aged 88 years. Also his wife Sarah Burnside, our dear and loving mother who died 7th February 1935 aged 91 years.
Erected in loving memory of John Caldwell, Loan, who died 27th March, 1906. Also his wife Maria Caldwell, who died 7th Feb, 1934. And their daughter Maggie Caldwell, who died 19th Nov, 1914. Also their daughter Maria Caldwell, who died 4th March, 1939.
Erected by Mrs. Caldwell, Fenagh, in memory of her husband Joseph Caldwell, who depd. this life Feby. 24th 1883 aged 76 years.
In loving memory of a dear husband, devoted father and grandfather Thomas (Tom) died 9th July 1988 gone but not forgotten

Alison Millar nee Campbell writes: “My grandpa is the above mentioned Thomas Campbell. His wife, my grandmother, Mary Campbell, is buried in the same grave. The date of my grandpa’s death is etched on my brain, because it occurred on my son’s (i.e. grandpa’s first great grandchild) first birthday. By the way, that first great grandchild has Campbell as his middle name.  Grandma passed in 2006. My grandparents initially lived in Harperstown, before moving to Hillmount. They worked at Frazer and Haughton.”
Erected in loving memory of my dear wife Margaret Campbell who died 1st October 1935
Erected by Samuel Carson, U.S.A. in memory of his wife Agnes Carson, Also his children Elizabeth D. Carson, and Robert J. Carson, Also the above Samuel Carson, died in U.S.A. 3rd March 1943.
Erected by Mary A. McSeveney in loving memoey of her father and mother Robert and Mary Ann Coleman, Also her two sisters Isabella Kane and Sarah Russell and her brother Robert Coleman
Erected by James and Maggie Buick in loving memory of her father John Coleman of Cullybackey born December 1800 died March 1883 Also her mother Margaret Coleman died 4th November 1830.
Erected by Annie Connaughty in memory of her dear husband Samuel Connaughty, who died 19th April 1961, aged 76 years. The above Annie Connaughty, who died 2nd June 1974, aged 90 years. Love’s last gift – remembrance
Erected by William John Craig of Tullygrawley in memory of his wife Sarah who died 20th Decr 1897 aged 66 years Also their son Edward died 20th Octr 1892 aged 29 years And his grand-daughter Sarah Hatton died 26th April 1959 ageed 77 years And grandson William John Hatton died 8th December 1974 aged 87 years.
Erected by Daniel Craig, Broughshane in memory of his beloved wife Eliza who died 27th Jany. 1855 aged 42 yrs.

Cullybackey Old Methodist Church and graveyard
Cullybackey Old Methodist Church and graveyard

Erected by William A. Cubbit, Tullynamullan, in loving memory of his wife Mary Ann Cubbit, who died 10th May, 1923, aged 46 years. Also the above-named William A. Cubbit, who died 30th June 1963 aged 82 years. Ever remembered, by their loving son and daughter

In memory of William Curry Craigs died 23rd Dec. 1931, aged 92. Also his wife Ann Curry, died 17th July 1917, aged 75. Their daughter Elizabeth Brown, died 20th February 1960. aged 72 years. Her husband Wilson Brown, died 16th March 1943, aged 49 years. Also their grandson William, died 24th July 1934, aged 12 years.
Erected by Edward Davison of Ballyclose in memory of his mother Ann Davison who died 10th January 1871, aged 67 years Also his father Edward Davison who died 10th November 1877, aged 82 years
In loving memory of Robert, and his wife Lizzie, Hillmount
Erected in memory of John Dunlop, Loan who died 27th July 1942. Also his son PTE. Nathaniel Dunlop, R.I.R., (killed in action in France) July 1916. Also his wife Esther Dunlop. who died 22nd February 1947.
In loving memory of Elizabeth Crawford daughter of Robert and Phoebe Dunlop Craigs died in Bermuda on 29th August 1966 aged 26 years. And the above Robert Dunlop died on the 2nd October 1968 aged 78 years. Safe in the arms of Jesus sweetly my soul shall rest. Erected by Robert Dunlop, Craigs, in memory of his wife Elizabeth who died 2nd October 1913 aged 61 years. Also their two children Lizzie and Hugh, who died in infancy. Also the above named Robert Dunlop who died 8th March 1934, aged 83 years. Dunlop [on right hand side] Also his father John Dunlop who died 9th Dec. 1892 aged 78 years And his mother Elizabeth, who died 16th Jan 1897 aged 72 years
In loving memory of Robert died 26th August 1949 His wife Elizabeth died 15th April 1940 Their children Elizabeth died 13th March 1929 Agnes died 16th June 1970 Mary died 23rd June 1972 James died 19th June 1975 Robert died 7th July 1987
Erected by William Dunlop in memory of his father Alexander Dunlop, who died August 1887, aged 78 years Also his mother Elizabeth Dunlop, who died June 1893, aged 80 years. And his brother Thomas Dunlop, who died January 1903, aged 50 years.

In loving memory of Alexander Ewart (Broughdone) died 19th April 1908 Also his wife Annie died 4th October 1952 And their son Alexander died 15th March 1933 Their daughter Hannah died 14th May 1957
Erected by Thomas Ewart of Tullygrawley in memory of his father Gilbert Ewart who depart’d this life 14th Jany 1862, aged 72 years. Also, his mother Mary Ewart, who depart’d this life 12th March 1872 aged 74 years. His son Hugh Ewart died 9th Dec. 1930. And Catherine wife of Hugh Ewart died 11th Jan. 1954 Redeemed with the precious blood of Christ.
Thy will be done in memory of Thomas Ewart, died 13th Nov. 1904, aged 80 years. Also his wife Sarah, died 12th Sep. 1907 aged 76 years. Their son John Ewart, died 23rd Jan. 1941. And his wife Elizabeth Ewart, died 4th April 1961.
Erected by Crawford Ferris, in memory of his father who died 15th Ocxt 1864, aged 46 years Also his uncle William Ferris And his grandmother Mary Crawford. James Ferris, of Loan father of the above Crawford Ferris, of San Francisco. U.S.A.
Erected by the United Presbyterian congregation Cullybackey in memory of the Revd James Fleming their first settled pastor ordained 30th Sept 1834 died 22nd March 1870, aged 80 years And Mary, his wife died 31st Octr 1883, aged 86 years Also of all their children, James, born 11th Decr 1823 died 6th Octr 1828 Jessie, born 8th July 1825 died 13th Septr 1828 William, born 8th May 1827 died 13th May 1861 James, born 23rd April 1829 died 13th Decr 1870 John, born 1st July 1832 died 30th April 1854 Richard, born 26th Jany 1835 died 26th Feby 1861

Looking across old documents, I see the Synod of the United Presbyterian Church met at 6.30pm, on Monday 9th May 1870, in Queen Street, Edinburgh.  They noted the deaths of several of their clergy, including the Reverend Fleming in Cullybackey.  With respect to pension annuities, they noted that prior to his death “the Rev. James Fleming of Cullybackey… had received thirteen half-yearly payments of his annuity.”
In loving memory of Henrietta Agnes, daughter of the Rev. H. M. Fleming, Cullybackey, who died 8th Nov. 1894, aged 17 years. Margaret Hanna, his beloved wife who died 26th May 1901, aged 61 years. Revd. Henry McK. Fleming, died 19th Octr 1915, in the 79th year of his age, and the 48th year of his ministry. Eliza Holmes Fleming, his daughter, died 16th July 1918.

Formerly of Cullybackey

Deep regret will be felt by his wide circle friends, especially in the Cullybackey district, at the death of Reverend H. M. Fleming, which took place at his residence, Lisdivin, Dunadry, on Tuesday.

The deceased, who was 78 years of age was a native of Lylehill. On the completion of his theological course Mr. Fleming was ordained to the pastoral charge of the United Free Church at Steepinshay, Orkney Islands, and five years later he was installed as minister of the United Free Church in Cullybackey.

Here he devoted himself whole-heartedly and most successfully to his work for thirty-two years, and one of the monuments of his energy is the present church.

On retiring from the ministry about eight years ago he went to reside at Dunadry. His wife pre-deceased him, but he is survived by two sons and two daughters. The funeral wil take place to-day (Friday) to Cullybackey.

Ballymena Weekly Telegraph
Saturday 23rd October 1915

Erected to the memory of Catherine Jane beloved wife of William Given of Ballyclose, who died 1st April 1857, aged 47 years. The above named William Given, died 19th Sepr 1881 aged 82 years. Also of their son George, died 25th Novr 1901 aged 60 years.
Erected by James Glass in memory of his father Robert Glass who departed this life 19th April 1869 aged 77 years. Also his mother Mary Glass, who departed this life 20th March 1879, aged 82 years. Likewise his beloved daughter Esther Glass, who departed this life 30th Jany 1883, aged 20 years. Also the above James Glass, who died on 10th Jany 1887, aged 55 years. Also of his wife Ellen Glass, who died 21st June 1906, aged 65 years
Erected in memory of Samuel Glass, late of Ballycorley, who departed this life 24th April 1858 aged 19 years. Also his dear nephew, Adam who departed this life 13th March 1896 aged 13 years
In memoriam James Gordon Castletown who died 1st Dec 1899 aged 69 years Also his daughters Rose died 16th May 1876 aged 9 months Maggie died 6th March 1892 aged 8 years Also his wife Agnes Gordon, who died 23rd June 1914, aged 82 years Also his daughter Annie, died 19th Dec. 1926 Also his daughter Sarah, died 7th Sep. 1931 Also his daughter Agnes Gordon who died 12th February 1937, aged 65 years Also his daughter [stone broken]
Erected in memory of William Gordon, of Cullybackey who died 12th Sep 1903 Also of his wife Ann Gordon who died 15th Nov. 1913
Erected by George Gourley of Dreen in memory of his son James who died 15th July 1877 aged 38 years The above named George Gourley died 26th March 1882 aged 81 years And his wife Nancy Gourley died 4th October aged 78 years

In memory of James infant son of the Rev. Robert Gray, born 31st Oct. 1872. died 17th April 1873.

MARRIED. At the United Presbyterian Manse, Dunbar Terrace, Dumfries, on the 20th July 1870., by the father of the bride, the Reverend Robert Gray, Cullybackey, Co. Antrim, to Elizabeth McLauchlan, eldest daughter of the Reverend M. N. Goold.

Glasgow Herald, Friday 22nd July 1870

Written on a little white piece of marble inside the grave surround are the words: “W. A. Greenwood died 9.6.49 love Pamela”
Harbison Ballyclose in loving memory of our dear parents Agnes, died 30th August 1949. Robert, died 9th May 1968 Their son William Adam (father of Robert Campbell) died 23rd November 1988 Till we meet again
In loving memory of Jane, beloved wife of Andrew S. Harbison died 26th November 1939. Also their children Elizabeth Mary died 3rd August 1917. Adelaide, died 9th January 1919. resting where no shadows fall.
Erected by Matthew Harbison Tullyreagh in memory of his son Matthew who died 16th May 1886 aged 28 years. Also Jane, the beloved wife of William Harbison who died 19th August 1902 aged 33 years. Also Mary, beloved wife of Matthew Harbison, who died 6th January, 1908 aged 74 years. Also Matthew Harbison, who died 10th July, 1908 aged 72 years Also the above named William Harbison who died 1st July 1939 And his wife Mary Harbison who died 5th May 1939.

The death occurred on Saturday 1st July 1939 of Mr. William Harbison, of 179, North Road, Belfast.

A native of Cullybackey, Mr. Harbison was 74 years of age and retired some nine years ago. He had been the principal of Ravenhill Road Public Elementary School. He was a staunch Presbyterian and worshipped at Belmont Church. William was a member of the Irish National Teachers Organisation. He is survived by a son who is in business in Belfast, and by his daughter who is at home. A brother, Mr. John Harbison, resides in Bangor, and a sister is in Canada. He passed on only two months after his wife’s death.

Local Media Sources, early July 1939

Erected by W.J. Harkness Broughshane, in memory of his beloved wife Elizabeth Harkness. who died 7th February 1894, aged 43 years. Also their children Margaret, died 29th Sepr 1888, aged 5 years. John Joseph died 15th Octr 1888, aged 3 years 9 months. Catherine Harkness, died 19th Nov. 1909 The above named William J. Harkness, died 3rd Oct. 1922 And Elizabeth Harkness died 29th Sep. 1956
1884 in memory of Mary Hillis of Cullybackey who departed this life 16th Feby 1885 aged 5 yrs William Hillis died 26th May 1920 aged 70 years Annie Hillis died 23rd Aug. 1923 aged 73 years
Erected by Alexander Holmes in memory of his son Alexander, who died 2nd July 1927 aged 48 years Also the above named Alexander Holmes who died 13th July 1931, aged 77 years And Georgina, wife of the last named Alexander Holmes, died 2nd May 1938 aged 87 years
Erected by James Holmes of Ballyconnelly in memory of his father James who departed this life on- the rest of the old stone is largely unreadable.  I believe that I can make out the year “1876” and at the bottom of the headstone, the words “aged 89 years”, as well as the name “Agnes”
Underneath lie the remains of John Holmes late of Ballyconley who departed this life 6th May 1845 aged 76 years Here also lie the remains of Thomas Holmes son of James Holmes who died 19th March 1874 aged 2 years. Here also lie his beloved daughter Elizabeth Holmes who departed this life 2nd day of May 1875 aged 25 years.
Erected by David Houston, of Cullybackey in loving remembrance of Anne. 20th January 1825 – 9th August 1875 David 8th January 1822 – 13th March 1903. Eliza Jane, 10th May 1847 – 5th April ????
Erected in memory of Robert Johnston of Killyless, who died 15th June 1848, aged 38 years. Also his beloved wife Margaret, who died 11th February 1865, aged 68 years. Also her sister Agnes Walker who died 26th June 1877 aged 71 years

Erected in memory of Alexr Kennedy Tullygrawley, who departed this life 27th March, 1922. Also his beloved wife Sarah Torrens, who departed this life 4th January, 1920 Also in memory of Jeanie, beloved wife of James Kennedy who departed this life, 24th May, 1942. Also the above James Kennedy died 20th May 1965 Kennedy [on left hand side] In loving memory of Sarah Ethel beloved wife of Torrens A. Kennedy died 3rd October 1985.
M and A Laverty
In loving memory of Samuel Laverty 1865 – 1957
Mary Steele Laverty 1868 – 1946
Elizabeth Laverty McFall 1893 – 1968
Robert Laverty 1905 – 1941
In loving memory of my dear parents William Leckey died 26th May 1929. Elizabeth died 15th March 1927. Also our daughter Jacqueline died 18th Feb. 1931. And brother James died 5th Oct. 1962 Hugh Wylie died 5th Aug. 1970 Mary Wylie died 11th Dec. 1977 erected by Mary and Hugh Wylie, Armagh Ernest Leckey died 6th Dec. 1978 Ernest Gordon Leckey born 14.3.1909 died 6.12.1974 Desmond Wylie died 18th May 1982
Momento mori erected by Adam Livingston Belfast. in memory of his beloved son Adam, who departed this life 11th February 1882, aged 34 years. The above named Adam Livingston, who died 11th Jan. 1891 aged 73 years. Also his wife Jeney who died 30th June 1894 aged 85 years. Asleep in Jesus
In memory of David Logan, who died 4th June 1902, aged 59 years. Also his wife Nancy Logan, who died 17th April 1910, aged 66 years.
Erected in loving memory of James Logan died 15th Nov. 1890 aged 54 years
Erected in memory of John Logan who died the 26th August 1853 aged 41 years
In loving memory of Susannah Maxwell, Lisnahuncheon, who died 8th March 1909, aged 57 years.
Erected by Margaret McClenaghan, Cullybackey, in memory of her beloved husband John McClenaghan, who died 19th October 1878, aged 34 years. Also their daughter Annie, who died 6th January 1895, aged 18 years. blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
Erected by Annie McCloy Cullybackey in loving memory of her dear husband William McCloy, who died 2nd May 1926, aged 40 years. Also his beloved wife Annie died 17th August 1942, aged 59 years. thy will be done
Erected by Matilda McConaghie in loving memory of her dear husband James McConaghie who died 2nd November 1956
In loving memory of Mark McCrory died May 1917 Also his wife Jane died April 1950 Their son Robert died Oct. 1905


In loving memory of James died 6th October 1957 Also his wife Margaret Ann died 21st August 1979
In loving memory of Agnes McKillen died 3rd March 1967
Erected by Sarah McKillop, Cullybackey, in loving memory of her husband, James McKillop, who died 11th July 1914, aged 75 years. Also the above-named Sarah McKillop, who died 30th July 1924 aged 72 years. “asleep in Jesus”
In memory of William McRory who died 1875 aged 4 years.
Erected in memory of Thomas McWilliams, Cardonaghy. died 15th June 1895, aged 65 years. Also his wife Sarah McWilliams, died 13 Feb, 1936 aged 83 years Also her grandson Bob who died 27th August 1956 aged 47 years And their son James McWilliams died 19th July aged 91 years
Erected by William Millar, Hillmount, in memory of his daughter Maggie Millar, who died 25th Dec. 1902, aged 8 years. Also his son, Joan Millar, who died 24th Sep 1918, aged 21 years Also the above-named William Millar, who died 16th November 1932 aged 66 years. His son Archie Millar, died 18th Dec. 1957, aged 59 years Martha, wife of the above William Millar died 26th Nov. 1958, aged 86 years His son Thomas, who died 26th May 1960, aged 56 years. His daughter Agnes died 9th May 1983 aged 87 years. asleep in Jesus
Sacred to the memory of Martha Ewart Millar died 19th Aug. 1922 Also her husband Thomas Millar died 21st Oct. 1938. “thy will be done”
Erected by James Montgomery, Laymore in memory of his beloved son James who departed this life 3rd Jany 1886 aged 16 years. Also his son David who departed this life 10th September 1906 aged 39 years. Also his beloved wife, Hannah: who died 22nd Feb. 1913 aged 78 years. Also the above named James Montgomery who died 14th Feby 1917, aged 80 years. Also his daughter’s Sarah Jane, who died 10th October 1945, aged 85 years And Catherine, who died 28th January 1947, aged 84 years.
Erected by Sam Moore Lisnafillen to the memory of Ellen Moore died 13th February 1886 aged 16 years. we shall sleep but not for ever in this cold and silent grave blessed be the Lord that taketh blessed be the Lord that gave
Erected to the memory of Rose Ann Murdock of Ballywatermoy who died 13th February 1883 aged 82 years
Erected by Annie Murray in memory of her husband James Murray, who died 18th Dec. 1931 aged 64 years. late of Harperstown Also the above named Annie Murray who died 8th Dec 1935, aged 66 years Also their daughter Margaret wife of James Buick who died 6th November 1960 aged 56 years asleep in Jesus
Erected by Jane Neely, in memory of her husband Robert, who died 7th September 1900, aged 72 years Also their daughter Agnes, (Nancy) who died 12th Sept 1879, aged 14 years Also the above Jane Neely, who died 26th April 1902, aged 76 years Also their son-in-law Francis Casement Dougherty, who died 10th Dec 1944, aged 82 years. Also their daughter Margaret, wife of above, who died 2nd June 1947, aged 84 years – – And their son Thomas Alexander Doughtery who died 2nd Novr. 1968, aged 52 years “gone before.”
Erected by Robert Neiley of Ballyclose in memory of his daughter Nancy, who departed this life on the 12th Septr 1879, age 14 years.
Erected in memory of Patrick O’Raw of Fenagh who departed this life 9th April 1848 aged 55 years
Erected by Elizabeth Orr Loan in memory of her beloved husband John Orr died 13th Jan 1917 aged 82 years the above named Elizabeth Orr died 26th October 1929 aged 84 years Also Bella Orr died on the 19th April 1958 aged 82 years.
Erected by Agnes Orr, Ahoghill, in loving memory of her husband, Samuel Orr, who died 27th August 1913, aged 75 years. Also the above named Agnes Orr, died 23rd May 1937, aged 82 years. “peace perfect peace”
Erected in memory of Alexander Orr who died 12th Nov. 1916, aged 88 years Also his wife Elizabeth who died 15th Jan. 1919, aged 73 years And their daughter Mary Orr, who died 19th Dec. 1959 aged 82 years. Also their son David Orr, who died 11th April 1962, aged 78 years Orr
Memento mori erected by Mary Orr in memory of her husband James Orr of Loan who departed this life 24th Novr 1878, aged 80 years. Also his wife Mary Orr who departed this life 27th Sep 1890 aged 87 years Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord; they rest from their labours and their works do follow them.
In loving memory of Robert Orr died 29th October 1961 Also his wife Jane died 16th May 1941
Erected by William Orr of Drumrankin in loving memory of his wife Susanna. who died 7th Novr 1894, aged 58 years, Also their son James who died 1st May 1896, aged 26 years. Also the above named William Orr, who died 9th June 1921, aged 88 years Also his son Robert, who died 29th August 1927, aged 60 years. Also their daughter Annie Orr, who died 13th March 1934, aged 58 years And their daughter Agnes Orr, who died 1st April 1936, aged 69 years
Erected by Patrick & Catherine Peters in in memory of their father Peter Peters who died 25th March 1886, aged 85 years. Also his wife Betty, who died 15th February 1844, aged 40 years. And his wife Jane, who died 21st July 1879, aged 57 years.
Erected by Jane Rainey in loving memory of her mother Margaret Rainey who died 12th October 1893 aged 83 years
Erected in memory of John Rainey of Crankill who depd this life 28th Aug 18… aged *guessing* 50, 56 or 58 (difficult to read)
Erected by John Richmond of Drumcon, in memory of his son Daniel who departed this life 5th July 1873, aged 13 years. Also the above named John Richmond department this life 20th June 1876 aged 46 years
Erected by Rosetta Rock in memory of her husband John Rock died 8th July 1944
Erected by Margaret Russell in memory of her beloved husband John Moore, who died at Tullygrawley March 1879 – aged 25 years Also her son Samuel who died Nov. 1884 – aged 6 years.
Erected by Robert Sands, in loving memory of his father, James, who died 30th June 1883, aged 66 years; And his mother, Jane, who died 10th Feb. 1902, aged 74 years; Also his son, Adam, wh died 14th Dec. 1913, aged 26 years. Sands
Erected by Agnes Simpson Gordon of Tullygrawley in memory of her father Thomas Simpson died 22nd December 1931 Her mother Catherine Simpson died 14th January 1934 Her brother Tommy died 23rd March 1915 And her sister Mary died in infancy Also the above named Agnes Simpson Gordon died 19th July 1974
In loving memory of Joseph Wright Simpson died 13th October 1954, aged 81 years. Also his wife Margaret Ann, died 19th June 1961 And their son Jack died 9th November 1981
In memory of David Smith, of Upperlands, who died 7th Octr 1858 aged 59 years. Also Agnes Kernohan his wife who died 27th April 1882, aged 80 years. And Elizabeth, their beloved daughter who died 27th Decr 1846, aged 14 years.
Suffer little children to come unto me erected by George and Lily Ann Smith in loving memory of our dearly beloved son James Smith (little Jim) who died at Fenaghy Cullybackey 24th February 1906 aged 4 years and 10 months – thy will be done –
In memory of David Smith, of Upperlands, who died 7th Octr 1858 aged 59 years. Also Agnes Kernohan, his wife who died 27th April 1882, aged 80 years. And Elizabeth, their daughter, who died 27th Decr. 1846, aged 14 years.

Notes, there is a second gravestone in this Smith burying area, which is unfortunately laying face down in the grass and unreadable

In loving memory of David Speers, died 1908, His wife Martha Speers, died 1940, Also his son John, died in infancy. Also his son Robert, died 6th Feb. 1960. And Henry David, died 23rd May 1965.
Erected to the memory of Sarah Jane Steele, of Fenagh who died 6th November 1868 aged 7 years. Also her sister Mary, who died 4th December 1878, aged 22 years. Also their father William Steele, who died 5th July 1889, aged 72 years Also their mother Mary Steele, who died 29th March 1900 aged 72 years “blessed are the dead which die in the Lord”
Erected by Archibald Stevenson, Tullygrawley to the memory of his beloved wife Agnes, who departed this life on the 22nd of February 1882 aged 55 years
Erected in memory of John Stevenson of Tullygrawley who departed this life 16th December 1852 aged 65 years Also his beloved wife Agnes who died 6th January 1876 aged 72 years.
Erected in memory of John Stevenson, Tullygrawley. died 28th April, 1905. Also his sister Ann Lee, died 8th October, 1914. And her husband James Lee, died 9th September , 1925. Also their daughter Agnes Lee, died 23rd January, 1941. John Duff died 19th November 1946
Erected in memory of James Stewart, died 27th Jan. 1912, aged 84 years. Also his wife Mary H. Stewart, died 11th March 1908, aged 70 years Also his son Archibald Stewart, who died 1st July 1927. Also Martha Stewart, who died 7th February, 1941. James Stewart, died 31st December 1950. Also his wife Janetta, died 30th Dec. 1960
Erected by John Stewart of Loughmegarry in memory of Elspy Stewart his beloved wife who departed this life 21st October 1849, aged 58 years John Stewart who died 9th January 1860 aged 69 years Also Elspy Glass, who died 20th October 1923.
In loving memory of Robert Stewart died 29th October 1930, Also his wife Elizabeth died 14th November 1914, Their son Robert died 2nd August 1926, And their daughter Lizzie C. died 31st March 1946.
Erected by James Stewart of Loughmagarre in memory of his wife Mary Stewart who departed this life 7th March 1857 aged 20 years.
In loving memory of a dear husband and father Adam died 16th Jan. 1965 His son Robert died 4th Jan 1957. His daughter Sarah died 24th Jan. 1954. Also his wife Sarah Ellen died 24th February 1971. And his sister Jane died 20th October 1971
1883 erected by Robert Stirling in memory of his father Samuel Stirling of Dun………. who departed this life 1853, aged 41 years Also his mother Elizabeth who departed this life 1860 aged 48 years.
Erected by William Thompson in memory of his mother Agnes Kinnear Thompson born 1st October 1856 died 15th April 1919 Also his father William Thompson, born 18th April 1852 died 21st Aug 1930. Their family James died in infancy James born 1st October 1879 died 5th January 1921 Thomas born 26th September 1885 died 6th May 1931 Mary born 17th March 1883 died 26th October 1937 interred in Dundonald cemetery Also the above named William Thompson, beloved husband of Nan Stewart, born 1st October 1879 died 16th August 1964 worthy of remembrance
1886 erected by Cowan Thompson of Cullybackey in memory of his beloved mother Mary Thompson who fell asleep in Jesus. 15th March 1876, aged 53 years. Also his sister Agnes, who died 5th March 1879, aged 10 years. Also his brother Thomas, who died 25th Octr. 1884 aged 29 years. Also his sister Ellen, who died 6th June 1885 aged 21 years Also his fatherThomas Thompson, who died 10th Jany 1896 aged 76 years The above named Cowan Thompson lost at sea 1916 on merchant service
Erected by John Turtle, Broughdone in loving memory of his son Sandy aged 8 months And his son who died in infancy
Erected by Margaret Watt of Aughnadore. In memory of her father George Davidson, who died 27th June 1886 aged 77 years. Also her mother Nancy who died 4th December 1893 aged 80 years. Also the above-named Margaret Watt, who died 10th Jan. 1931. Also her son-in-law John McKillen, died 21st February 1948
Jane died 20th May 1978 age 79 years Robert died 19th Nov 1981 age 86 years
Till Jesus comes Erected by Alexander Wiseman, Broughdone, in memory of his wife, Agnes Wiseman, who died 8th April, 1925, aged 49 years. Also his son John, who died 29th Dec., 1910, aged 13 years. The above named Alexander Wiseman, who died 7th March 1945, aged 74 years. Also his sons Alexander, died 17th Feb. 1958. And William, died 10th March 1958. And daughter Rosetta McCullough died 31st Dec. 1985.


"I have spread my dreams beneath your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."

4 thoughts on “Cullybackey Old Methodist Gravestones

    1. Hi Antje. Yes, it’s a beautiful church and village. So much history in these wonderful places. Cullybackey is about 9 miles from where I used to live.

  1. My husband’s family came from Ireland to America. They left December 22nd, 1848 and arrived in Louisiana on the ship the Riverdale.

    The message wrote by the last surviving sibling that came over, stated that they attended, what he called, the Old Found or Round church in Cullybackey, under the Reverend Houston D.D. (Clark) year of 1848.

    I am searching for our family, or records there of those that stayed and didn’t immigrate during the famine to America.

    William Douglas born 1759 in Scotland, married an Irish lady named Mary Bell, and started a family in Antrim/Cullybackey.
    The passage we have, states that Samuel Douglas would pick up Reverend Houston in Ballymena and bring him to preach in Cullybackey.
    There are Douglas, Craig, Hood, Bell, Dickenson grandparents.

    Can you help or point me to where I can find info.

    Thank you

    1. I think the church you are looking for is the Cullybackey Reformed Presbyterian Church, per the following webpage. It says the church was sometimes known as The Pound Meeting House and even mentions a Rev. Clarke Houston.
      You can also get to this webpage by going to > Museum > Explore your Roots > Ballymena Church Trails > Covenanter Trail > Cullybackey Reformed Presbyterian Church.

      Note that > Museum > Explore your Roots also offers a graveyard name search and a link to other local historical societies, etc. that might be of help to you.

      Note – I’m a retired librarian located in Indiana so I’m afraid that I won’t be able to help you any further myself.

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