1962, Alfie Brown with the Mulhollands in Eden

Alfie Brown & the Mulhollands, Eden, Portglenone

Alfie Brown
Richard Mulholland, Alfred Brown & Samuel Mulholland, Hill House, Eden, Portglenone, 1962

In these photographs, taken in 1962, from left to right we have, Richard Mulholland, Alfred Brown and Samuel Mulholland.  

They are taken in the bottom shed at Hill House, Eden, Ballymacpeake Road, Portglenone

The two photos were most likely taken by Eleanor Mulholland.

The Mulholland’s  tractor is in the edge of the photograph. And if you look closely, in the bottom picture, their dog is lying at the back of the shed.

Massey Ferguson 1950s
Eden farmers, Richie, Alfie & Sammy

The Browns lived less than a mile away from the Mulhollands in Eden. 

In such a close knit community, neighbour helped neighbour.  Both families were good friends.








"I have spread my dreams beneath your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."

4 thoughts on “1962, Alfie Brown with the Mulhollands in Eden

  1. I love the old photos of the Mulholland Family. I wish my Dad Bill Mulholland was still alive to see these.
    Thanks William for bringing the past alive for us Aussie Mulholland’s.

    1. Delighted to hear that you are enjoying these old Mulholland photos, Vickie.

      Yes, your dad would have enjoyed these old Eden photos.

      The website got a lot of traffic yesterday when this was published. So there must be a lot of interest across the world in these old images.

      I have been working all day today cleaning up another summer 1962 photo from a hay field at Eden. It includes Tommy, Willie, Richard, and Stanley Mulholland. My mum is also in it, as are Hughie Henry and Alfie Brown. I’ll write a post around it and publish it probably during July.

  2. Henry Mulholland b1794 Eden, enlisted 1810 at 16. Was with 68th Reg in Portugal & Spain. Married Judith (Julia) maiden name unk abt 1815/16. Reg’tl depot was in Belfast. Discharged 1831 and shown in 1831 Derry Census at Eden w Judith. Emigrated to Canada between 1831 & 1837 where he had been with the 68th from 1818-1829. In between those yrs he would travel to Leeds to recruit. In later yrs he claimed to be a Waterloo vet although he was not at Waterloo but I know that his brother or cousin Richard marr’d to Mary Barnes, died 1822 was a Lieutenant with Kings Own at Waterloo. Medals weren’t issued until 1848. I believe Henry claimed Richard’s medal to enhance his prospects in Canada. Any info on my 3rd Grt Grandfather including Judiths maiden surname would be appreciated. Tom Brooks t.brooks@cogeco.ca. Other children I know of, Caroline my 2nd grt grandmother b1822 in Leeds; James b1828 in Canada (did he die in Canada bef 68th ret’d to Ireland in 1829?. I see no further record of James other than baptism, and Charles who I believe was born in Ireland abt 1836/37 after discharge and just prior to emigration to Canada. Hi to Vickie, Sarah Johnston, Mathew Stewart and all other Mulhollands of Eden wherever you may be. Tomxx

    1. Tom, thanks for all that wonderful info. I am just about to hit bed here. But will re-read it tomorrow and include it on the main Mulholland page on this site.

      That’s great research on Henry Mulholland and his Waterloo and medal stories!

      Many thanks for sharing this info.

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