This beautiful old poem, To a Lady in Kilrea, was written and submitted to the Ballymena Observer in March 1879. The author, presumably a he, did not submit their name….merely referring to himself as ‘B’
To a Lady in Kilrea
Morning brings us many a flower,
All delightful to the eye,
Trees and shrubs of dewy grandeur
In the rays sunshine lie.
Lovely though they are, and cheering,
Dearer, far, are you me;
All my love is lavished on you
Sweetner of each joy I see.
May no thought of parting ever
In our bosoms cause dismay;
Rich with love and all its pleasures,
Life, in peace, we’ll pass away.
Author: ‘B’ from Kilrea, 17th March, 1879
Source: Ballymena Observer, 22nd March 1879