Drimbolg Reformed Presbyterian Church

Drimbolg church, or meeting house as it is commonly referred to, was built in 1837.  It is situated a few hundred yards from the village of Tamlaght.

In tracing the origins of this historic congregation, one has to go back as far as 1644.  In that year, many people in the North of Ireland subscribed to the Solemn League and Covenant.  They came to be known as Covenanters, and in the years thereafter, despite scorn and criticism, continued to recognise the vows and obligations that they had signed up to.   The Scottish Covenanters would often send ministers over, to give cheer and support to their Irish brethren.   In 1681, the societies in Scotland organised correspondence with sister societies in the North of Ireland.  This helped maintain a close friendship, that exists to this day, between the Covenanters in both nations. 

Drimbolg Reformed Presbyterian Church
Drimbolg Reformed Presbyterian Church

In 1763, the societies in County Londonderry and County Antrim were divided into three congregrations. In August 1763, the Reverend Matthew Lynn was ordained as pastor of one of them.  In March 1764, Lynn preached in Ballynahone at James Johnston’s, and at Moyola River near Magherafelt. Not long after, the Reverend Daniel McClelland was ordained at Laymore, near Cullybackey.  These two ministers were in charge of several small societies across the two counties.  Around 1768, the Societies of Magherafelt and Ballymacilcurr, near Culnady, were formed. In 1770, the Society of Killyberry, near Bellaghy, was set up. The societies in this district were enhanced by the efforts of Reverend James McKinney, the Reverend William Gibson and the Reverend William Gamble.  Around 1788, the Societies of Ballymacpeake, Kilrea and Moyagoney were established.  The manse of Drimbolg church was in Moyagoney.  The Moyagoney society met in the house of one of it’s members, Boyd Elliot.  In April 1798, on the third Wednesday of the month, the Reverend Joseph Orr was ordained in the open air at Caw Wood, near Garvagh.  He was given the responsibility of looking after Ballylaggan, Maghera and Drummond (near Limavady).  In 1809, Reverend Orr was moderator at the first session of the Maghera Society.  The session met at Drumlamph and was attended by John Glasgow, John Houston, Samuel McKeown, John McCaw, John Caskey and Thomas Dunn. The following year, 1810, saw William McKeown and Andrew Dunlop admitted as elders of the Secession church. But the Covenanters, in the area, still didn’t have a church of their own.  In the Maghera area, they would worship in Knockloughrim, at the Secession church.   In the Tamlaght area, locals would meet in barns, dwelling houses, and  sometimes in fields.

In 1813, a small field was purchased from Mr Rowe.  It was 44 perches in size and due to it’s physical confirguration was called Drimbolg.  ‘Drimbolg’ means a bulge on a hill.  By 1816, they had constructed, on the land, a church with a thatched roof.  It was opened for public worship that same year.  On alternate Sundays, between 1816 and 1820, the Reverend Orr would preach in Drimbolg and Knockloughrim.  But due to a large increase in congregration numbers in the Drimbolg area, Knockloughrim ended up with only one service each month.  On the 9th August 1824, the Reverend Orr held his final session in his own house in Drumlamph.  He died in July 1825, at 64 years of age, after having preached for some 34 years.  He was buried in Bellaghy and was survived by his wife.

The church did not have a new minister for two years. Then in June 1827, the Reverend James Smyth M.A. of Corndougan (Ballylaggan) was ordained and given the responsibility of overseeing Drimbolg and Knockloughrim.  He held his first session meeting on the 19th July 1827.  In attendence were elders John Caskey (the session clerk), James Fulton, John Glasgow, Robert Adams, Alexander Adams,  Samuel McKeown and James Armstrong. The new minister, helped by the Reverend William J. Stanley and the Reverend Simon Cameron, oversaw his first communion in June 1828. 

After a few years in Drimbolg, the Reverend Smyth and his congregration decided to build a larger church – or meeting-house as they called it.  After much planning and hard work (not to mention the significant financial, as well as emotional investment), the new church building held it’s first service on Sunday 6th August 1837.  The construction had cost 559 pounds, 6 shillings and 8½d.  The church members had contributed 112 pounds, 5 shillings and 0d. The remainder was collected by the Reverend Smyth. At it’s opening service, the preachers were the Reverend Robert Gibson of New York and the Reverend James Dick of Kellswater.

night of the big wind in Ireland 1839
The January 1839 hurricane came from the Atlantic

Ireland, The Night of the Big Wind

In his diaries, the Reverend Smyth notes that a violent hurricane came in from the west, late in the evening of Sunday 6th January 1839.  The class three hurricane, which originated in the North Atlantic, with winds of up to 115 miles per hour, continued to blow across the early hours til the late morning of the 7th.  It became known as the ‘night of the big wind’.  Ireland had seen nothing like it in 300 years.  Hundreds of people on the island lost their lives, tens of thousands were left homeless, and 42 ships lost. Close to 25% of the houses in Dublin were damaged or destroyed; and the newspapers reported similar carnage in Belfast.

In Drimbolg, the new church was only 17 months old.  But the hurricane in the early hours of that terrifying January evening, blew away almost a quarter of the roof, timbers and slates.  The Reverend Smyth notes that it took 41 pounds, 15 shillings and 0d to repair the damage.

From Tragedy, Comes a Wonderful Act of Kindness

In January 1853, the Reverend Smyth lost his eldest daughter, Margaret Jane.  She was 23 years old and died at home, i.e. Lake View cottage.  In April 1855, the pastor’s wife passed on.  Jane was only 43 years old.  Her teenage children (mainly girls) had lost their big sister and now their mother, in the space of two years. It must have been devastating for the family.

In a wonderful act of human kindness, some four months later, the local community came together to show their support, to a man they clearly held in very high regard. One newspaper at the time published the following report.

Mark of Respect – On Wednesday, the 15th instant (August 1855), about fifty young men and maidens, of all religious denominations, with a number of older hands, assembled at Lake Cottage, to assist the Reverend James Smyth, A.M., in the labours of the year. They pulled between three and four acres of flax in a very superior manner, and carted a great part of it to the steeping ponds, and afterwards assisted in meadow operations till the close of the day. It was truly gratifying to see such number of cheerful people, of all denominations, from each aide of the Bann, congregating to show their good will to the “pastor of Drimbolg.”

It is due to him to state that he is universally beloved and respected by men of all creeds in that neighbourhood, Irish, English, and Scotch, to all of whom he has acted without prejudice and partiality since he came to this country. The above, with many other acts of a benevolent kind, furnish decisive testimony that the people of this country are able to appreciate acts of kindness, and are always willing to make suitable returns.        Londonderry Standard – Thursday 30 August 1855

The Reverend Smyth was in his 73rd year, when he passed away in 1873.  He had served Drimbolg for 45 years and was buried in the churchyard.


Drimbolg Church Marriages 1864 to 1925

 29th March 1864, Robert Taylor (27), bachelor of Drumnaccon Parish of Tamlaght O’Crilly, married Sarah Sloan (26) of Moynock, Parish of Kilrea. Fathers were Samuel Taylor and John Sloan (deceased), both farmers. Witnesses: John McFarlane and Samuel Preston.
drimbolg marriage

15th November 1864, James McKeown (20) bachelor (merchant) of Lislea, Kilrea, married Nannie Patterson (18) spinster of Lislea, Kilrea. Fathers: James McKeown (farmer) and Frederick Patterson (merchant).  Witnesses:  Hugh C Patterson and William John Thompson

drimbolg marriage 1864 - mckeown & patterson
drimbolg marriage 1864 – mckeown & patterson

30th November 1864,  Samuel Dickey (28) bachelor (farmer) of Drumlamph married Rachel Fulton (22) spinster of Drumlamph. Fathers: Samuel Dickey Farmer James Fulton Farmer.  Witnesses: Henry Pedlow & James A. Smyth
NOTE: in the local church marriage register, the entries for this marriage and the marriage below (Kennedy Burnside) were made after the 1865 marriages.  So was the year incorrectly entered, or merely the two marriages entered a year after they occurred.  I checked and 1864 is correct.  This is the year both marriages were registered in the local Ballymoney office.

21st December 1864, Kennedy Burnside (26) bachelor (farmer) of Killyberry married Jane Speers (26) spinster of Ballynocher. Fathers: William Burnside and Robert Speers (farmer). Witnesses: William Stewart & Robert Leslie
4th, January 1865,  Torrens Boyd (25) bachelor (student) of Lismoyle married Mary Simms (30) spinster of Drumlane. Fathers: Michael Boyd (farmer) and William Simms Senior (farmer). Witnesses: James A. Smyth & John MacNurwn?

10th February 1865,  Robert Michael (24) bachelor (f) farmer from Boveedy married Nancy Ann Paul, spinster, from Boveedy. Fathers: James Paul (farmer) & Archibald Michael (farmer). Witnesses:  J. C. Balderston? & Nancy Johnston.

4th August 1868, James Simms (25) bachelor (farmer) of Drumlane, married Jane Warwick (25), spinster of Boveedy. Fathers: William Simms (farmer) & Robert Warwick (farmer). Witnesses: Samuel Gimore & Robert Proudfoot.

10th May 1871, Joseph Frazer Hurst (27) bachelor Minister of Ballymoney Reformed Presbyterian Church married Sarah Smyth (25) spinster of Innisrush.
Fathers: Thomas Frazer (merchant) and James Smyth (Minister of Drimbolg Church). Witnesses: Maria Smyth & Hugh Frazer Hurst.

13th March 1873, Thomas Taylor bachelor of Drumnacannon married Mary Jane Armstrong of Drumlane. Fathers: Thomas Armstrong (farmer) and Samuel Taylor(farmer). Witnesses: Martha Jane Sufferon & Robert Kelsey. 

Note 1 – ‘Kelsey’ was written on the church document, but obviously it should be ‘Kelso’

Note 2  – there was a correction afterwards.  Mary Jane Armstrong was a widow, and her maiden name was later recorded (Wilson) on the updated document (see below).

Drimbolg wedding 1873 - Taylor Armstrong Wilson
Drimbolg wedding 1873 – Taylor Armstrong Wilson

18th September 1873, John Boyd (31) bachelor of Lismoyle married Mary Ann Boyd (30) spinster of Lismoyle. Fathers: John Boyd (farmer) & Michael Boyd (farmer). Witnesses: Mary Jane Boyd & Charles Scott.

LONDONDERRY SENTINELSeptember 18, at the Drimbolg Reformed Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Isaac Thompson, B.A., assisted by the Rev. Torrens Boyd, Ringrash, brother of the bridegroom, John, second son of Mr. Michael Boyd, to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. John Boyd, both of Lismoyle, near Kilrea.

Ireland Drimbolg marriage 1873 - John Adams & Matilda Smith
Drimbolg marriage 1873 – John Adams & Matilda Smith

9th December 1873, John Adams (25) bachelor (farmer) of Drumagarner married Matilda Smyth, spinster, of Drumack in Rasharkin. Fathers: blank. Witnesses: Margaretta C. McCaughey & Andrew Adams.

11th December 1874, Charles Scott (21) bachelor (farmer) of Lismoyle married Nannie Armstrong (22) spinster of Drumard. Fathers: Charles Scott (farmer) & William Armstrong (farmer). Witnesses: Sarah J. Armstrong & William Starret.

28th December 1875, Alexander Cromie bachelor of Tamniarn in Dungiven married Eliza Jane Patterson, spinster, of Killygullib in Tamlaght. Fathers: James Cromie (farmer) & John Patterson (farmer). Witnesses: S.H. Patterson & Samuel Cromie.

30th December 1875, Samuel Brown Warwick, bachelor (farmer) of Boveedy in Tamlaght married Henrietta Warwick, spinster, of Boveedy in Tamlaght. Fathers: Hugh Warwick (farmer) & Robert Warwick (farmer). Witnesses: Annie M. Warwick & Alexander Graham.

13th March 1876, Robert G. Warwick, bachelor (farmer) of Boveedy in Tamlaght O’Crilly, married Annie Maria Warwick, spinster of Boveedy in Tamlaght O’Crilly. Fathers: Robert Warwick (farmer) & Hugh Warwick (farmer). Witnesses: Maggie Lapsly & Alexander Graham.

7th July 1876, William James Armstrong (25) bachelor (farmer) Drumard in Tamlaght married Margaret Armstrong (20) spinster of Lislea in Kilrea. Fathers: William Armstrong (farmer) & Henry Armstrong (farmer). Witnesses: Archibald Agnew & Mary Ellen Armstrong.

4th January 1882, Thomas Armstrong, bachelor, farmer, of Drumard, Tamlaght, married Maria Georgina Beare, spinster, of Ternageragh. Fathers: William Armstrong (farmer) & John Beare (farmer). Witnesses: Robert G. Armstrong & Maggie Beare.

drimbolg marriage 1882 - armstrong & beare
drimbolg marriage 1882 – armstrong & beare
drimbolg wedding armstrong
Armstrong Beare marriage 1882 Drimbolg

4th August 1882, Robert Sloan, bachelor, farmer, of Moyknock, Kilrea, married Margaret Campbell, spinster of Moyknock, Kilrea.  Fathers: William Sloan (farmer) & Alexander Campbell (farmer). Witnesses: Johnston Shaw & Rachel Campbell.

12th December 1882, James Peden, bachelor, farmer, Mayoghill, married Mary Jane Boyd, spinster, of Lismoyle. Fathers: Hugh Peden (farmer) & Robert Boyd (farmer). Witnesses: Hugh Peden & Mary E. Moody.

24th December 1885, David Maxwell (26), bachelor (farmer) of Ternageeragh, married Martha Young Stewart (19), spinster of Killymuck. Fathers: John Maxwell (farmer) & John Stewart (farmer). Witnesses: John Smyth & Annie Marie Stewart.

8th April 1886 – Samuel Lytle, bachelor (farmer), of Drumlane, married Hannah Mayberry, spinster, of Drumlane.  Fathers: William Lytle & William Mayberry. Witnesses: Thomas A. Lytle & Margaret A. Mayberry

5th August 1886, Archibald Agnew, bachelor (farmer) of Drumard, Tamlaght, married Mary Ellen Armstrong, spinster, of Drumard, Tamlaght. Fathers: Robert Agnew (farmer) & William Armstrong (farmer). Witnesses: Robert Simms & Mary Mayberry

30th November 1886, Joseph Reid, widower (farmer), of Drumlane, Tamlaght, married Mary Jane Lamont Workman, widow, of Drumoolish, Tamlaght. Fathers: Samuel Reid (farmer) & Hugh Lamont (farmer). Witnesses: Smyth Kelso & John Collins.

29th December 1886, Thomas A. Lytle (25) bachelor (merchant) of Maghera, married Margaret A. Mayberry (21) spinster of Drumlane. Fathers: William Lytle (farmer) & William Mayberry (farmer). Witnesses: David Wray & Agnes Boyd
NORTHERN WHIG – Lytle-Mayberry – December 29th at Drimbolg Reformed Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Isaac Thompson,  LL.D., Thomas A. Lytle, Maghera, to Maggie, second daughter of William Mayberry, Drumlane, Kilrea.

9th September 1887, Thomas Gibson, bachelor, farmer, of Muletra, Desertoghill, married Mary Ann Gibson, spinster, Drumoolish, Tamlaght. Fathers: James Gibson (farmer) & James Gibson (farmer). Witnesses: William Know & Sarah Gibson.

13th September 1887, Robert Camac Stuart, bachelor, law clerk, of Landhead, Ballymoney, married Janie Nevin Moore, spinster, of Ballyboyland, Ballymoney. Fathers: Thomas Stuart (farmer) & Thomas Moore (farmer). Witnesses: Thomas Stuart & Annie Moore.

20th October 1887, Robert Millar, bachelor, farmer, Moynock, Kilrea, married Margaret Adams, spinster, of Ballynease, Bellaghy. Fathers: Robert Millar (farmer) & William Adams (farmer). Witnesses: William Johnston Adams & Nancy Millar

6th June 1889, Joseph Stewart (21), bachelor, labourer, of Finvoy, married Matilda Martin (21), spinster, of Drumoolish, Tamlaght. Fathers: Joseph Stewart (labourer) & James Martin (shoe maker). Witnesses: William Clark & Maria Martin.

15th May 1889, Robert Anderson (27), bachelor, grocer, High Street, Antrim, married Sarah Gibson (24), spinster, of Drumoolish, Tamlaght. Fathers: Alexander Anderson (shop keeper) & James Gibson (farmer). Witnesses: J. C. Stewart & Helen Huston

7th October 1892, Robert Simpson (30), bachelor, farmer, Rasharkin (went to Tamlaght church), married Sara Jane Sloane (25), spinster, of Drumlane, Tamlaght. Fathers: James Simpson (farmer) & John Sloane (farmer). Witnesses: Robert McElfatrick & Margaret A. Sloan

20th July 1893, Robert William Bolton, bachelor, farmer, of Moneysallin, married Mary Mayberry, spinster, of Drumlane. Fathers: Sloan Bolton (farmer & tax collector) & William Mayberry (farmer). Witnesses: Samuel John Bolton & Nannie Scott

24th October 1899, Thomas Kernahan, bachelor, teacher, of Drumard, Tamlaght, married Sarah Hurst Workman, spinster, Drumoolish, Tamlaght. Fathers: William Kernahan (retired teacher) & James Workman (farmer). Witnesses: Henry Kernaahan & Janie Craig

2nd July 1901, James Simms, bachelor, of Drumard, married Nancy Matilda Mayberry, spinster, of Drumlane. Fathers: William Simms (farmer) & William Mayberry (farmer). Witnesses: Thomas Mayberry & Mary S. Wilson

1st October 1902, Alexander Jamison, bachelor, school teacher, of Drumoolish, Tamlaght, married Annie Workman, spinster, of Drumoolish, Tamlaght. Fathers: Robert Jamison (roper) & James Workman (farmer). Witnesses: James Gibson & Martha J. Robertson

24th February 1904, Thomas James McCotter, bachelor, farmer, of Lislea, Kilrea, married Mary Adams, spinster, of Tyanee, Tamlaght. Fathers: Richard McCotter (farmer) & Robert Adams (farmer). Witnesses: James Burell Mackeown & Tillie Adams

4th June 1907, Thomas Henry Irwin, bachelor, farmer, Moneygran, Kilrea, married Nany Anne Armstrong, spinster, of Lislea, Kilrea. Fathers: Samuel Irwin (farmer) & James Armstrong (farmer). Witnesses: John M. R. Irwin & Mary E. Wilson

1st January 1908, John Kinney, bachelor, farmer, of Gortade, Maghera, married Sarah Ellen Sloan (19), spinster, of Drumard, Tamlaght. Fathers: Thomas Kinney (farmer) & William Sloan (farmer). Witnesses: Robert Logan & Lizzie Sloan

8th June 1909, Frederick Burnett, bachelor, farmer, of Ballynagarve, Artrea, married Jane Warwick, spinster, Boveedy, Tamlaght. Fathers: Alexander Burnett (farmer) & Samuel Brown Warwick (farmer). Witnesses: David Frederick Mann & Henrietta Margaretta Warwick

5th February 1914, William Montgomery, bachelor, farmer, Crossmakeever, Aghadowey, married Elizabeth McKay Sloan, spinster, of Drumard, Tamlaght. Fathers: William Montgomery (farmer) & William Sloan (farmer). Witnesses: Smith Montgomery & Mary McCahon

21st December 1915, James Kyle Houston, bachelor, of Culnady, Maghera, married Mary McCahon, spinster, Moyagoney, Tamlaght. Fathers: William J. Houston (farmer) & William McCahon (farmer). Witnesses: John Houston & Anne McCahon

22nd February 1916, Thomas McParland, bachelor, farmer, Killygullib, married Nancy Scott, spinster, Lismoyle. Fathers: John McFarland (farmer) & Hugh Scott (farmer). Witnesses: Simon J. Gibson & Mary J. McShane

17th August 1916, Alexander Tannahill, bachelor, a draper, of Coleraine, married Nancy Jane McCahon, (20), spinster, a milliner, of Moyagoney, Tamlaght. Fathers: Alexander Tannahill (draper) & William McCahon (farmer). Witnesses: William John Campbell & Emma Tannahill

28th March 1918, Thomas McNeill, bachelor, farmer, Carndougan, of Macosquin, married Henrietta Lynd, widow, of Knockaduff, Aghadowey. Fathers: Joseph McNeill (builder) & Samuel Pollock (farmer). Witnesses: Robert Anderson & Sarah Pollock

3rd July 1919, Hugh Henry Dickson, bachelor, farmer, of Lower Coagh, Coagh, married Minnie Warwick, spinster, of Boveedy, Kilrea. Fathers: James Dickson (farmer) & Samuel B. Warwick (farmer). Witnesses: Mr Bell & Henrietta Warwick

7th December 1920, Stanley B. Cochran, bachelor, furniture dealer, of Ballymoney, married Margaret Ann Sloan, spinster, of Moyknock, Kilrea. Fathers: George A. Cochran (furniture business dealer) & Robert Sloan (farmer). Witnesses: William J. Douglas & Hester C. Duggan.

11th August 1921, John A. Crockett, bachelor, of Drumnacanon, married Margaret McAleese Stewart (19), spinster, of Drumard. Fathers: Geeorge Crockett (farmer) & William Stewart (farmer) deceased. Witnesses: R. A. Crockett & Bradley.

25th September 1923, John Blair, bachelor, engineer, of Larne Harbour, married Elizabeth Ena McCahon, spinster, milliner, of Moyageney, Kilrea. Fathers: John Blair (harbour master) & William McCahon (farmer). Witnesses: James C. Cooper & May Moore.

23rd March 1924, John Millar, bachelor, farmer, of Moyknock, married Annie Sloan, spinster, of Drumard. Fathers: John Millar (farmer) & William Sloan (farmer). Witnesses: Robert Millar & Letitia Sloan.

6th August 1925, Robert William Stewart, bachelor, medical doctor, of Leek, Staffordshire, married Clara Lytle, spinster, medical doctor, Drumlane. Fathers: John Stewart (teacher) & Samuel Lytle (farmer). Witnesses: Kelso Watson & Tillie Lytle


Drimbolg Church Gravestones

In loving memory of
A dear wife and devoted Mother
Kathleen Patricia
Died 18th March 1972 Aged 43 years
And her beloved Husband Samuel
Died 2nd January 1994 Aged 74 years
A much loved Father and Grandfather
In loving memory of
Sarah McElfatrick Aicken
Who died 18th August 1956
And her Daughter Eileen Mary
Who died 8th September 1948
Also her Husband William Millar Aicken
Who died 19th November 1974
And her son Robert McElfatrick Aicken
Who died 25th July 1985
In rememberance of
Martha Carlisle,
Died 20th February 1960, Aged 56 years.
John Alexander Kennedy,
Died 30th December 1975, Aged 77 years.
Harvey Hill
In memory of
William James, died December 1973
His wife
Eva, died January 1974
Their daughter
Anne Mary Kathleen
Died April 1995
“The Lord is thy Shepherd”
Baby Boyd
“God’s little Angel”
This is the grave of William John Boyd 1928 – 2007
In loving memory of
Hugh Scott Boyd
Of Lower Tamlaght,
Who died 29th April 1925,
Aged 63 years.
Also his neice
Elizabeth Boyd Glasgow,
Who died 4th January 1933,
Aged 43 years.
Also his brother Joseph A. Boyd,
Who died 4th March 1941, aged 71 years.
Also Mary Jane Glasgow,
Beloved sister of Hugh and Joseph Boyd,
Who died 17th Sept. 1958 Aged 93 years.
“The Lord is my shepherd”
In loving memory of
A dear Husband and devoted Father
Died 29th January 1978, Aged 63 years.
“Loved and remembered”
A separate stone on same grave:
Dear Mum
Bridget Boyd
1919 – 2005.
In loving memory of
Margaret Elizabeth (Elsie)
Died 30th December 1991.
Also a devoted husband and father
William Died 4th May 2002
“To live in the hearts we leave, is not to die”
In loving memory of
Rev. Isaac Cole B.A.,
A devoted Husband and Father
Minister of Trinity. 1945-1958
And Drimbolg. 1958-1989
Died 24th April 1990 Aged 71 years
Also Anella Cole
A devoted Wife and Mother
Died 29th April 2000 aged 78 years.
In memory of a loving Wife and Mother
Died 30th October 1993
Cherished memories of
A devoted wife, Mother and Grandmother
Martha Died 10th July 2005 Aged 88 years
“God is our refuge and strength Ps 46. V1.”
In loving memory of our dear son
Gordon Died 18th Oct 1972 Aged 17
His Aunt Rachel Died 30th Sept 1935 Aged 13 Years
His Uncle Gordon Died 1st October 1935 Aged 2
His Grandparents
Mary Died 10th July 1952 Aged 58
James Kyle Died 23rd Nov 1969 Aged 88
His Brother Aubrey Died 18th September 1995 Aged 43
His Father James Kyle Died 19th March 2000 Aged 82
In loving memory of
Robert William Kelso.
Who died 7th May 1956.
And his wife Margaret Ann
Who died 4th Feb 1972.
In loving memory of
Thomas E. Kelso, Tyanee
Died 16th March 1981 Aged 57 years
And his wife Olive W. Kelso
Died 30th June 1989 Aged 62 years
With love we remember
A devoted Husband
Loving foster Dad and Uncle
Died 23rd January 2005 Aged 61 years
“Always loved and remembered”
In loving memory of
A beloved Son, Husband and Father
Died 6th may 1975
Also his Father Thomas
Died 4th July 1979
Also his Mother Agnes Maude
Died 3rd November 1984
In Memory of
Jane McCaw of Portglenone
Who died 11th November 1847,
Aged 73 years.
And of Eliza McCaw, her daughter
Who died 31st May 1839, Aged 27 years.
Also of Joseph Smyth, of Lakeview
Who died 21st December 1882,
Aged 28 years.
James A. Smyth
Died 26th March 1896.
Mary Ann McCaw
Died 25th January 1897
Martha Smyth,
Died 28th December 1907, Aged 73 Years.
William Smyth,
Died 14th June 1912.
Charlotte Smyth
Died 15th February 1927,
Maud Smyth,
Died 20th August 1927
In loving memory of
A devoted Husband and Father Kenneth,
Called home 11th Feb 1984, Aged 35.
Also his Parents
Called home 28th May 1994, Aged 88.
And Margaret Rebecca,
Called home 30th Oct. 1994, Aged 86.
“The Lord is my Shepherd”
Mrs Margaret Rebecca McClean (nee Bell) was a native of County Donegal
Marion McMurdo McCullough
Died 1952
Devoted wife of
William McCullough
Ordained Ballylaggan, 1903
Installed Drimbolg, 1917
Died 25th April 1957
In loving memory of
Archibald McElfatrick
Who died 19th April 1898.
Margaret, his wife,
Who died 17th Jan 1913.
John, his brother,
Who died 14th Oct, 1903.
Also his sons
Who died 10th may, 1884.
Who died 2nd Jan., 1891.
Who died 13th Dec., 1917.
Who died 4th Jan.,1929.
Also his daughters,
Sarah Elizabeth,
Who died 20th Sept. 1927.
Margaret Jane,
Who died 17th Sept. 1929.
Also his Son,
Who died 6th May 1946.
And his Son,
(Rev.) Thomas Alexander,
Who died 28th July 1950.
Also his Son,
William Smyth,
Who died 20th Dec. 1936.
His Wife Annie Mary,
Who died 7th Nov. 1934.
Also their Daughters
Violet Sarah,
Who died in infancy.
May Margretta,
Who died 22nd Dec. 1946
Their Son Kennedy,
Who died 31st may 1978
His Wife Emmaline
Who died on the 7th May 2006
Norman Kenneth
Who died 9th July 1986

Formerly of Tullylinkesay
In loving memory of
Robert Alexander, Died 8th July 1970
And his sister
Agnes Rachel, died 28th August 1970
“At home with the Lord”
Erected by their nephew Alexander McKnight
Erected by Fredk. Patterson
In memory of his Father
Joseph Patterson, Lislea
Who died 12th September 1833 in the hope of
Eternal life, Aged 73? Years.
His Daughter, Louisa,
Who died 21st April 1856, Aged 3 Years.
His Son, Joseph Campbell,
Who died 13th April 1873, Aged 38 years.
And his Son Thomas James,
Who died 16 June 1875, Aged 32 Years.
In Memory of the
Revd James. A. Smyth M.A.
For 45 years the beloved
Minister of this congregation,
Who died 29th December 1873,
Aged 73 years.
And Jane, His wife who died
9th April 1855, Aged 43 years,
Also his daughters
Elizabeth, Sarah, Margaret Jane
Maryanne and Maria
Elizabeth Smyth,
Died 20th May 1909.
Also James Alexander Smyth,
Who died 25th April 1933.
Also his wife,
Margaret Ann Smyth,
Who died 22nd September 1943.
Their daughter Maud,
Died 24th August 1981 Aged 65 years.

Death of Reverend Smyth of Drimbolg Church 1873
Death of Reverend Smyth of Drimbolg Church 29th December 1873
In loving memory of
Joseph Melrose Smyth
Died 9th April 1984
Aged 78 years
Their infant daughter
Died 8th May 1948
Hugh Whyte
Faithful employee of
The Smyth family
For 70 years
Died 6th July 1963
Aged 87 years
In loving memory of
A devoted husband, Father and Grandfather
Called home 14th September 2003
“Absent from the body present with the Lord 2. Cor. 5. V.8.”

A word of thanks for the superb (and inspirational) work of Denver Boyd. 



"I have spread my dreams beneath your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."

5 thoughts on “Drimbolg Reformed Presbyterian Church

  1. Just read through, wonderful research. I believe the John Glasgow, my 4th great grandfather, and Willliam McKeown, the father-in-law of my 4th great aunt, are the men mentioned as attending the 1809 meeting of the Maghera Society. John Glasgow came to America around 1836 and coincidentally bought a farm in Londonderry, Ohio and was considered a devout Scotch-Irish Covenanter.

    I would love to know where you found the attendance list! Thank you!!!

  2. Hi Colleen. Thanks for the very kind words. We have spoken in email – but apologies, I somehow missed this above comment.

    The attendance list was found via searching through very old local newspapers (which I have to admit, is a major hobby of mine….and a time-consuming one!).

    IIRC Glasgows are/were most commonly found in the Tamlaght and Moneymore areas. There are several buried inthe Tamlaght O’Crilly Lower churchyard.

  3. I am so glad I did a Google search again on my 3rd great-grandfather, Robert Gibson. I am planning a Gibson reunion here in Iowa for June, 2024. I have been working on many family lines for 25+ years. I knew most of the story, from the Reformed Presbyterian Church annuals, and knew of his visit to Ireland. But, I had no idea it was tied to this church and the new building! Thanks for a wonderful article and insight into more details on Robert and his father, William. Wonderfully researched. I hope someday to find earlier ancestors of William.

    1. I’m also working on my family tree & found that Robert & Susannah McWhirr Gibson are my 4th great grandparents. Loved reading this article about Rev. William Gibson; one of Robert’s sons. I find looking for my ancestors to be a fascinating experience. Wish I could travel to County Down Northern Ireland one day!!
      PS: My grandma was Clara Mabel Gibson Johnston (Simon Edward Johnston)

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